(2) New Foundation

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"I'm sorry, D/n," a police officer said. "The good news is that your daughter isn't a murderer."

"I saw it with my own eyes," your dad replied angrily.

"It was suicide, sir, I'm sorry. Your daughter's finger prints weren't even on the knife. Besides, she's a bit young to murder, don't you think?"

"That monster killed my wife!" He yelled, standing up suddenly from his spot on his living room couch. "Take that bitch away! Kill her! I don't care! I never want to see that filth again!!" Tears ran down his face and the police looked at each other.

You were outside, talking to a woman. You were glad to be out of the hospital, but you would rather not be home right now.

A police officer walked out and whispered into the woman's ear, causing her expression to darken for a moment. "Sweetie," she said to you while the police officer walked back inside. "You're going to leave with a very nice woman tonight, okay? You'll have a sleepover with a bunch of other kids and... then you'll, uh, you'll have a new home."

"But what about my daddy?" You asked. She cried upon having eye contact with you and hugged you tightly.

"He's sick and can't take care of you anymore, okay? It's not your fault at all. I'm so sorry."

But it was your fault, you corrected her in your mind.

"Okay," was all you said. Your expression was unreadable in that moment, but the single tear that fell down your face was enough to say a hundred words. Your mind was trying so hard to shield you from the dread and sorrow you felt. Kids tend to assume any bad feedback or abuse they get was their fault– you were no exception, and it was ruining you. Feelings of being abandoned, being unwanted, and the feeling that your mothers abuse and death were your fault were truly far more than a kid should be burdened with. More than anyone should be burdened with. But here you were, having just turned 7 and watching your whole world crumble around you. Sure, it was a bad world, but it was still something to hold on to. Now you have nothing.

You stared out the car window, empty both inwards and outwards. You felt tired and restless at the same time. You felt weak. Did you actually feel anything at all, though? "Y/n!" Your attention to the world was brought back by the 'friendly woman driving you to your sleepover'. You looked at her through the display mirror and she sighed. "Did you hear anything I said?"

"Sorry," you softly muttered.

"No, no, don't be. You have every right to be out of it. I just needed to know if I had to repeat anything. Which I don't mind doing at all, by the way. I was just asking if you were hungry." You looked out the window again and nodded.

"Yeah, a little."

"Well that's a good sign. First step to healing is taking care of your needs..." She turned on the radio. "How does Mcdonald's sound?"

"Okay." The two of you were silent for a while until she handed you a happy meal. The smell of it caught your attention fast. "Thank you."

"It's no problem. Sorry, I decided to order for you since I know decision making can be hard under stress. I hope it's no problem. I ordered something my daughter used to get a lot when she was your age." You nodded and opened it, eating slowly. You then noticed the toy, an object you weren't expecting.

You had plenty of toys at home, no doubt. Most of them were from community members to avoid giving money to superhumans. You almost had too many, though, because your mother could not stop herself from buying things. She always bought you plenty of girly little toys to make up for her abusive behaviors, but what's said and done can't be undone so easily even if we ignore it. Especially at such an important part of your development.

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