(3) Hero; The Goal

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"Y/n, it's been a few weeks since the doctor said you could develop a quirk," Aiko knocked on the door to your room which was open already and walked in. "I just came to talk to you about it." He sat on the edge of your bed while you laid there reading a book. "Have you noticed anything? Anything at all weird that's happened to you?" You looked up at him. You've been thinking about it the whole time, and you thought that you had an idea.

"When I had a mom, she would hit me." His face dropped and he stared at you, mouth open wide.


"But before she died, she made eye contact with me and couldn't hit me anymore. When she got closer, she started crying and looked scared. It was how I felt."

"Y/n, what are you trying to say?"

"I think that I made her feel that way. My quirk. If I hadn't made her feel what I felt, she would be alive."

"Oh, kiddo," he said slowly, scooting over to you. "You don't blame yourself, do you?" You instantly began to sob upon hearing his words and he wrapped you in his arms just as fast. You held onto him tightly, fingers hurting from how harshly you held the fabric on his button up.

"She would be alive!" You repeated in a sob. He patted your hair gently, trying to figure out what to say.

"She made the decision, not you," he slowly whispered, trying to be careful about his words. "What she felt was caused by her own actions. You had no intention of harming her, therefore it couldn't possibly be your fault. You're only a kid..." You hugged tighter. You really needed to hear that, but you didn't believe those words just yet. For now, you'll just try to forgive yourself the best you can. "But, hey, that must be what your quirk is! You took away her will to fight and made her understand your pain." You looked up at him. "That would be a great quirk for a hero. We just gotta train so that you're super strong, huh?"

"Yeah..." you sniffled and backed away, wiping your eyes. "I'll make sure I don't see anyone else die."

"I bet you'll save so many people, baby girl. You'll make an incredible hero, I know it." You hugged him again for a few minutes before he tucked you in and gave your forehead a kiss goodnight. "Your granny is coming over tomorrow, okay? She's excited to meet you. Just.., try not to eat too many sweets. She doesn't know when to stop giving them." You laughed and nodded before he walked away and closed your door.


"Cute!!" Your granny squealed as soon as she saw you, running over to where you sat on the living room couch to pinch both your cheeks. You were taken aback by her sudden affection. You were still getting accustomed to the affection you received from your fathers, so of course you reacted the way you did.

You already knew this was Aiko's mother from her grayed, thin blonde hair to her puppy-like personality. So this is where he gets it from. "You are just so beautiful! Finally, I have a little girl!"

"Remember that she's our daughter, mom," Aiko said nervously, putting a hand on her shoulder to try to stop her from smothering you. "Anyways, Y/n, why don't you talk to your granny about her hero days while I go finish the laundry?" You nodded and your grandma sat next to you on the couch as Aiko left.

"I hear you want to be a hero!" She said, turning to you with a big smile. "I spent a lot of my career in the United States. That's where I met your grandfather."

"My mom is from the US," you told her. "She came to Japan to teach English when she met my da-...my-..my, uh..."

"Biological father?" She finished for you, causing you to nod. "It's alright. You can't run from where you came from, but you can always be better than it." She paused. "It's funny that we're both connected to the US somehow. Maybe you were meant to come here, hm?"

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