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The ball was a day away and Resanine was on a rampage. Similar to when it was the wedding she took full control of everything. Thryne and I coordinated with small sectors of the clan to get them to feed outside the town towards other villages that the newly turned were not yet ready for. Though it was risky, it was the only way to wean off enough to sustain them to help with the newly turned. Bellamy accompanied us though we argued that he should stay- and Kir decided to stay back with his sister to avoid any further issues that might come up. I was in no position to deny Bellamy his new found power, nor did I really want to be the one in charge of newly turned as they can be quite the hassle. I found myself enamored by the idea of playing someone of stature along with Kir. It would be a first for me, as all my life I hid in the shadows of Aleias and his affluence. Thryne and I were picking out the decorations, last minute details and making sure everyone fell in line when the time came. Ashter was the main guardsmen along with Herona who would be the one casting the spell with Resanine to trick the nobles arriving.

In our sleeping chambers I saw Kir who was pacing back and forth, not since our intimate night have we had an intimate moment of conversation with one another. He heard me come in, looking over at me with his eyes bright red, before walking towards me. As if he were gliding, he stepped to me while tilting his head as if to play coy. First he revealed his fangs, a common tactic many of us do before we devour the one we want. I raised my eyebrow feeling my human heart pumping faster than ever. I never can truly get used to every time I turn the way my human emotions, organs, blood, every single part of me is heightened. Kir continued his steps before quickly grabbing my arms over my head, pushing me backwards onto the bed.

I laughed, "The witches say we've consummated enough,"

He hissed, playfully showing his fangs. "What do they know? You are my wife, no?"

I nodded. "I am."

He smiled slightly before leaning in to kiss me. Right as he was about to have his way with me we heard a couple of knocks on the door. He groaned, as fast as the wind could take him and was already at the door.

"What is it?" He asked, quietly, though his voice sounded agitated.

"I apologize my dear brother but we have some last minute ball related details and we need our lovely Lady Amuna to finalize the remainder,"

Kir lifted his chin as though to look down at his sister before pushing the door open letting her in. I sat up, grabbing the ends of my dress to straighten it out and made my way through the corridors with Resanine. We stayed most of the night completing all the work as Kir wanted nothing to really do with the ball. He was more comfortable with working with Bellamy and Belsar on the feeding for the newly turned and the rest of the clan. I awaited tomorrow in baited breath knowing if we were able to do this it would mean the clan could feast on every new moon without any suspicion from the church or nobles.

It was beginning, the night of the ball- the debut of Lord Kir of Serval and Lady Amuna of Serval, the first of her kind. That was what the invitation had said, that Kir was from a noble family of the foreign north that bought me the title Lady from the Duke of Adernay. It took a lot of magic, binding and even our own to convince them of this through persuasion. It was no easy feat, but this ball is meant to solidify and make our status known officially with no pushback. The lessons, the dancing, the tools I learned in these weeks leading up to this were meant to showcase my integration to nobility. None had lived long enough to have remembered Amuna the handmaiden, so I was just a figure of the past. An unknown woman who was bought the title of Lady by my strange, eccentric foreign husband who had no ties to the land as well.

One of the maids walked into my chambers with a slew of dresses, all beautifully designed, dresses I had never worn or ever thought I could ever wear. The one I went with was the blue, powdered dress with big sleeves, a tight corset and shimmered as I walked against the light. I wore my talisman proudly, though today would be the last day I changed. I could feel my body tightening- maybe it was just my nervousness- and I was unable to feel any different from the time Kir and I had convened. Was I with child yet? It had not been long but long enough for the witches to figure it out at this point. I walked down the hallway, as I passed different members of the clan, hearing the music coming from the main hall where the ball would be. The sounds of carriages, many, many, carriages and the sounds of murmurs of humans. I knew the clan would be a bit restless so I hoped that Bellamy had it under control. No need for any incidents to happen while I was still in human form, somewhat defenseless.

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