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A couple of weeks passed and I had not seen or heard from Kir or Resanine. Though I rarely left my chambers, the clan had disclosed that the two were mostly seen in the west wing, oftentimes Kir would be with her throughout the entire day, and then back to playing his role as the Viscount. One day I felt like walking down the courtyard as I craved the taste of the buttery goodness of freshly baked bread. I tried eating food when I was without transition but it tasted absolutely horrid. Though my stomach felt full and satisfied, Herona warned that this was most likely the work of the fetus. It was truly half demon and half human. I sat eating the bread as the maids watched my face in disgust, trying to push it down my throat without vomiting. There suddenly stood Kir, with a solemn expression. Walking slowly towards me he signaled for me to get up, which I did. I was curious to hear what he had to say.

"Your absence was felt," I started, throwing the bread on the floor dissatisfied.

He looked over to me as his eyes changed again, to the golden yellow. "Resanine has revealed some things to me," He started.

"What? Is it misfortune?" I asked, feeling uneasy.

He shook his head. "The fetus that lies between us- it has changed us both. In ways even she cannot understand. My eyes change to this color now instead of the crimson red we are used to. I cannot feed the same as well- I was once able to eat human food and I can no longer experience the taste."

I raised my eyebrows, touching my stomach anxiously. "I as well, have changed. This child inside me is quite powerful; I now crave human food but I cannot eat it without wanting to vomit. However, I get full from it. I still feed on blood but my body is different. I can feel it."

He nodded. "When you bit me, the fetus and I bonded; giving me a different ability- becoming a full fledged monster. I no longer hold my humanity, Amuna."

Feeling as if I was about to collapse, my eyes widened as I was unable to speak for a moment.

"Wha-what?" I asked, losing my breath.

He fidgeted, "Resanine checked, she tried as many spells as she could- I am no longer like you... I cannot give you any more to bear. Just this child."

His voice sounded low, almost as if he was truly upset. Looking at his face I saw that of a young man who wanted to cry but was now permanently unable to. If this was true, it meant that this child may have a dangerous ability; to give and take humanity from others. I winced, thinking of such a horrible thought of losing my humanity permanently.

"I made a vow, Kir. I will not leave you or this child. As did you," I reminded him, "You are not made to procreate for the sake of your bastard family. We are your family now."

Stopping in his tracks, Kir's eyes brightened, like the glow of the moon, he leaned in wrapping his arm around my waist and kissed me. Surprisingly, my body felt completely intertwined with his wanting to hold onto him. This feeling was foreign to me. I was never one for physical afflictions but each time we kissed it was as though it was destined. The child that grew inside my body was going to be raised by the two of us- whom up until recently had no qualms for one another. When the remedy for your soul becomes the very being that freed you from the hell you escape, can that person become your lover? The thought ran through my mind as we walked back into the mansion.

Two months later I began to show physically. My body felt much heavier, and the last transition was as if the fetus was catching up to the previous thirty days before the new moon. Looking at myself was strange; I never thought after the decade of torture of the perilous death of my life I would ever be with child. Kir sat near the fireplace as he took his black tea, while Thryne sat with me touching my belly as often as they could. They were more excited to meet the child than I was, which many said was quite normal. Resanine began to show herself around me but found herself at a distance to me. Kir has expressed to me that more than anything, Resanine was fearful more of the child inside me than any witch. Even Herona would keep her distance, as if somehow this child was repelling any persons or beings it felt as a threat.

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