To the Readers

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Hello Everyone!

Thank you for your support on my stories! It had been eleven years since I started writing on Wattpad. Wow, eleven years! Hehe, I began with a Harry Potter Fanfiction that now has more reads than I could have dreamed of! But now I have decided to branch off, I've begun diving into manga and anime fanfic writing which is an interesting world in its own right.

"Where the Sakura Blooms" - is a story that was inspired by a video series that I was watching on YouTube. If there are any Amourshippers out here I suggest you go and check it out! I'll post the link to the playlist at the end of this note. And it also takes inspiration from that backstory that was shown on Pokemon XY about Ash and Serena's past, despite Ash forgetting that he had actually known her in their childhood.

This story was also made as a suggestion to a friend I met through -  fashionlover98, props to them for this lovely idea! Now on with tale.

The images used in the cover came from various pins on Pinterest!

I don't own the Pokemon World and that is a sad fact. This world was created by Satoshi Tajiri an Co! Quotes or references to other literary works are fully attributed to their rightful authors.

Well, looks like everything has been covered! Now on with the story!

Stay tuned,

SatoSere - Where the Sakura BloomsWhere stories live. Discover now