Best Friend

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Chapter 3
Best Friend

July 20, 1995
Kanto Region
Saffron Port

Three Months had passed and the three friends spent it making as many memories as possible. Gary still kept pulling his usual tricks, making Serena cry with his jokes and mean name calling towards her, while most of the other kids sided with Leaf and Ash, there were some that joined the youngest Oak. Daisy would often break up the fights Ash and Gary would have when Serena would break into tears and then scold her brother until he would apologize.

The Summer Camp had mostly been a fun experience for the three; playing with the other kids and Pokemon, learning about wild Pokemon and the habitats, and most of all getting special lessons from Professor Oak! The Elderly man was quite miffed when he found out what his grandson had done to the Pokemon in the fields and to Serena and the other kids, but was glad the Ash and Leaf had been the ones to put a stop to him. He was glad that the shy blond girl had found a friend in Ash, he commended his star student on his good deed.

Today was the day that Serena and Grace would be leaving Kanto to go back to Kalos. At the docks of Saffron Port we see the honey blond haired girl hugging  her two best friends. Leaf had given her a farewell present in the form of a Bulbasaur Plushy: the starter the Burnett girl wanted to have when she became a trainer.

Serena as she hugged Ash goodbye said boy was patting her on the back, "I'll miss you Ash!"

"We'll see each other again some day, Serena. You'll see, and when we do meet you'll have your dream all figured out. " Ash declares trying to cheer her up.

Leaf and the mothers watched with smiles on their faces, knowing that Ash meant what he said. The trio were also that the two would end up together when they reunited in their travels. Serena took off her straw hat and presented it to Ash.

"H-Here. Something to r-remeber me b-by." She says smiling towards him.

He smiles back untying the ribbon from the hat, "You keep that hat. I'll keep ribbon. When we meet again I'll tie this back on."

He hands the hat back, she took it with a small smile on her face. She placed her now ribbon-less hat on her head.

"You promise?" She asked looking into his eyes.

He took her into his arms again, and she snuggled into him smiling.

He whispers, "I promise."

They separated, Grace and Serena waved one last Goodbye to the trio by the dock. Leaf smiled sadly patting Ash on the shoulder as the boy silently cried at the departure of their best friend.

"Will we ever see her again?" Leaf asked wistfully.

Delia offered her motherly wisdom to the two, "If fate permits, you will. Sometimes life can surprise even the most prepared of people. All we can really do is wait and see where our journeys will take us."

Ash flushed the pink ribbon to his chest, near his heart. He'd be sure to keep the promise he'd made to the honey blond girl. Serena looked towards the last silhouette of Kanto she'd ever seen, she felt downhearted by the fact she had left her best friends. Her doubts were eating at her, her mother had sensed her uncertainty.

"They'll never forget you darling. Ash and Leaf will always remember you. Dare I say it, once you three start your journeys who knows what destiny has in store. But mark my words, you'll meet them again one day and when you do you'll have your dream." Grace replies smiling sadly at her daughter.

Serena just nods silently, hoping that her mother was right. Only fate can truly know what happens next...


That closes chapter three! Wow. Haha, I thought I had posted the third chapter here already but I was wrong. Here a sweet moment between our cute pair. I hope this satisfies the Amourshippers out there, I can just imagine the reactions.

Any how, this fanfic is also posted on ffn. Any and all suggestions for future stories or chapters to my on going ones are welcome! Just drop them on the comments or message me on Discord. Check my discord acc on my profile. See ya!

Signing off,

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