🧡 Dandelions 🧡

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(3rd PoV)
Bradley was sitting in his bed, curled up in the blankets. Confused and angry still after all that happened the day before.
He got up quietly and made his way into the bathroom. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he turned on the shower and started his morning routine.

Max on the other hand; had made a pallet of blankets and pillows on the floor of a spare room.
This morning instead of relaxing and taking his time, he was up early ripping open the boxes and putting a new bed frame together.
No time to get ready when you're determined to keep your mind off of your own thoughts.

"Hey Max... need some help?" Bobby asked as he walked in behind Max. Max quietly looked up and behind him before nodding. Bobby grabbed one corner of the box, and Max to the other end and the both pulled the headboard out of it's packaging. Carrying it towards a corner they leaned it against the wall, and moved back to the box to grab another piece.

(Bradley's PoV)
I stepped out of the shower, the steam swirling me. I needed a second to breathe. I grabbed a washcloth from my cabinet, ran it under the sink faucet and washed my face. I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and got some casual wear on.

I could hear commotion past the downstairs kitchen, and following it I found Max and Bobby in my parents old room.
The two of them were putting together a large bed frame. Actually they were almost done.
I backed out of there before they noticed me and walked off.

I started making me some breakfast, leaving out two other plates for Max and Bobby on the counter. I poked my head back into the room and they'd gotten the mattress halfway on the frame. Before I could say anything to them, Max turned to the door and sighed. "Good morning" he said, "I've made you both breakfast, it's on the counter in the kitchen" I said stepping out once more.
"Bradley-" Max called hopping over boxes towards me. "...Uh- Can you grab me some sheets and a blanket from the closet? Please" he asked leaning against the doorway.

I paused, not because I was thinking about not doing what he asked, but I was thinking he was upset with me. Maybe he was. We haven't been in the same bed for a bit now, in fact we haven't been in the same room for no longer than ten minutes at a time.

I nodded quietly and hurried down the long all, from the east wing to the west I opened up the linen closet and grabbed full sized sheets, and a large fluffy blanket from the top of the closet.
The blanket was a soft pastel red, and the sheets were a light grey. I also grabbed a few red pillow cases and carried them all back towards Max.

Bobby was clearing a path in boxes for me as
I set all the bedding onto a part of what used to be a box, that Bobby probably tore open. Max moved around me and grabbed the fitted sheets, slowly trying to figure them out. He practically climbed across the bed just to put them ok properly.

I was just about to leave when Bobby stopped me, "why don't you help him?" He whispered, "he may be upset, but it's better if you're still around."
I sighed, "you may be right, but I don't want to face him right now" I said walking away.
I passed Max's Wallet and keys, setting my card inside I walked off and into my room.

(Max's PoV)
When I finally got the fitted sheets on the bed
I was sprawled out almost touching every corner.
I scrambled off the bed and grabbed the next set of sheets, these were much easier.
Bobby was stumbling over boxes behind me. Trying to breakdown all the intact boxes.
I slid my pillows into their cases and set them on the bed. Then settled the big fluffy blanket on top.

Once I was done I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a plate off the counter. By now the eggs were cold, so I popped them in the microwave for a minute before sitting down at the bar and eating.
Bobby joined me shortly after, we both finished our breakfast and put our plates.

After I ate, I moved back into the former master bedroom and started cleaning up the trash and boxes. Bobby was now vacuuming the room, bathroom, and closet. As they hadn't been cleaned since Bradley's parents moved out.

That's sad. Mr. Uppercrust dies and the way Mrs. Uppercrust reacted was so... strange. I don't know if she cried, all I know is she left as fast as she could. Taking her younger kids with her. It was so strange, at least strange to me. When my mom left my dad was super sad, he slowly buried himself in his work. Only digging back out for me every once in a while. When I got to high school he wanted to be a part of my life. More involved, closer. It was going to be hard for him when I left, but it was necessary. He joined me for a semester, then exceeded in his career.

He did all that for me, all that after my 'mother' abandoned us, abandoned him.
I was only seven. I remember her, but it was always short. She never wanted to see me. I still don't understand why. When I was younger,
I thought that when you turned 18 that you knew what you were doing with your life. Obviously, that's not the case. We're all winging it.

Once we'd finished cleaning, we got on some daily clothes, I brushed my hair and teeth.

Bobby and I left for the furniture store. I wanted to buy a rug, and maybe a rocking chair. That's wishful thinking, as I went to buy the pieces
I wanted, I found Bradleys card in my wallet.
I hesitated before swiping it into the reader.
On our way home that's all I was thinking about.

"Bradley! We're back!" I shouted up the stairs.
I heard him walking towards the railing. "Hey, Brad..." I started. "Yeah?" He questioned looking down at me. "Can I talk to you?" I asked.
Bradley's eyes widened, he stepped back. Before walking downstairs and straight towards me. Bobby walked in with the rug rolled over his shoulder. He paused when he saw us, "you know- I'll just go put this in the master bedroom" he said hurrying off.

"I used your card to buy two pieces of furniture- I'm sorry" I said handing him the card. "That's why I put it in your wallet, I knew you wanted to get more stylized pieces for these bedrooms" Bradley smiled rubbing the back of his neck.
"Look, I'm sorry for how I acted the other day- at the fair. The way I treated you was very shitty. You don't deserve that. You've always been kind, and helpful, and-" I hugged him tightly, squeezed the breath out of Bradley. Turning the end on his sentence into a wheeze.
"It'll be alright" I assured him.

I'm sorry! I've been working, and going to college classes. I AM going to finish this book. Even if the fandom dies before I get it done. Please bear with me.

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