Chapter 25: Retribution

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Laurel had tried to keep herself busy as she waited for the others to return. First she had attempted to get some work done on her cases for CNRI. Then she had taken a look through their weapons and gadgets. Some of the more complex ones she struggled with, but she was proud of herself for being able to identify nearly every weapon in their arsenal. The final pastime she settled on was researching List names and looking through the criminal data files Lydia had started compiling. She noted with curiosity that there were several annotations mentioning a man named Bruce. But that all was completely forgotten when Oliver and John burst into the Foundry, dragging a disheveled-looking Lydia with them. The two immediately made for one of the tables, shoving anything on it to the floor before hurriedly placing Lydia on it.

"Oliver? What happened?"

"The police showed up. When the Count tried to run, Lydia went after him. We think he managed to dose her with some of the Vertigo." Oliver explained with a slight wavering Laurel was really not used to hearing in his voice.

A quick glance at Lydia confirmed his words. The young blonde was sweating profusely, eyes glazed over as if they weren't really seeing, her breathing accelerated and her every muscle tensed. Every now and then she'd let out a pained groan and her legs and arms would give an involuntary jerk.

"Laurel." Oliver called, his voice pulling her gaze back to him.
"In the crate where I keep my hood there's a leather pouch with some herbs. They can help neutralize the Vertigo."

Laurel nodded her understanding before rushing towards the crate. She rummaged around for a bit, setting aside a smooth dark brown longbow, before she found the pouch. When she turned around to go give it to Oliver, she almost dropped it out of shock. Lydia had lifted up her upper body and had her hand wrapped around John's throat.

"Laurel, the herbs now!" Oliver shouted as he wrestled Lydia's arm back onto the table.

The urgency in his voice had her hurrying over in seconds.

"Help Diggle hold her down." Oliver instructed her as she gave him the herbs and took his place by Lydia's side.

She heard him pulling more things out behind her, no doubt a way to administer the herbs, but Laurel's attention was solely focused on the girl in front of her. She might not be the most physically imposing, but Lydia Rooke was strong. It was taking everything Laurel had to be able to keep her still as she struggled. All the while she felt like every grunt and whine that escaped the girl was a dagger being jabbed into her heart. After noticing the tears running down the sides of Lydia's face, Laurel averted her eyes. Luckily, Oliver was quick to prepare the herbs. He came over with them mixed in a bowl of water that he pressed to Lydia's lips.

"Come on, Lydia. Drink."

It took some persistence, but he managed to get her to ingest the herbs. She was silent for a few seconds before letting out an ear splitting cry of agony, nearly causing Laurel to fully step back out of surprise. Fortunately, that seemed to expend the last of Lydia's energy, the girl slipping into unconsciousness. Laurel, John and Oliver stood there panting for a while before they were finally certain that she was truly out.

John moved away to sit by the computers. Oliver meanwhile pulled up a chair to sit next to Lydia, and Laurel was quick to join him. After some time, she found herself gently combing through Lydia's hair with her fingers. She was thankful that the girl was finally asleep, even if it wasn't particularly restful, judging by her tossing and turning. Rationally, Laurel had known that there was always the possibility that they would get hurt. Especially after what had happened around Christmas. And she had the scars to prove it too. But witnessing this tonight... it made her scared to imagine Lydia going back out there. What if the next time Oliver couldn't drag her back to the Foundry?

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