3.) settled in

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Today marks a week and 2 days since the accident and a whole week and 2 days without my parents or my brother. However Charles has been there for me when I cry, laugh, feel angry or just need to talk general crap.

Today is the day before the monaco grand prix, my favourite track, so I have to with Charles for qualifying, so I straighten my hair, put my dad's ferrari jacket and hat on paired with some shorts, then head downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning! What you making?" I say smiling at Charles whilst I watch I'm cook. "I'm making scrambled egg on toast with a strawberry protein shake! Do you want something to eat? I have pancakes cooking as well if you want some?"

"Yeah I'll take a couple of pancakes please! Oh! And can I have some water and a pain killer for my wrist please?" I ask politely

"Of course you can, does it still hurt like yesterday?" He asks worried as he passes me the paracetamol. "No the pains more bare able, thanks for asking!"

We talk and eat our breakfast  before getting in his Ferrari SF90 and driving to the track. As we make our way in I get handed a weekend v.i.p pass and follow Charles to his room where he puts on his gear.

"If anyone asks you who your with, say its me and show them your pass or phone me okay?" He says whilst putting his balaclava on. "Got ya!"  

"Okay kid stay here ill be back after qualifying" ugh I wanna walk around but I guess I'll stay here "okay good luck!"

"Thank you kiddo!" He then dissapears to qualifying and I'm left sat on my own.

After about 10 maybe 15 minutes of sitting on my own scrolling through socials o decoded tl get up and sneak my way through to other paddocks to take a look around, when all of a sudden I bump into someone making them drop there phone.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry is it okay are you okay?" I look up to see the most gorgeous curly brown haired boy I've have ever seen.

"Yeah me and my phone are okay" his british accent is making me weak to my knees. "I'm Lando Norris by the way and your maya Clark? Or leclerc should I say now!"

"Yeah that's me you follow me on insta do you? Or tiktok?" I ask while I shake his hand "yeah instagrams the one!" I laugh a little.

"Do you wanna go grab a bite to eat? Qualifying can be boring" Thank god he asked I'm starving!  "Yeah that would be great im so hungry!"

Turns out me and lando where in the Merclaren paddock the whole of qualifying after going for lunch. We laughed, talked shit about other teams and even cried to eachother. We got along really well and he deffinately gives butterflies.

He didn't even let me pay for one thing when we went for lunch. Boyfriend material. Turns out he drives for f3 and is a yeat older than me.

All of sudden my phone starts to ring and I look to see its Charles. "Hold on lando one second!" "Hey Charles is everything okay?" Oh no I didn't go back! "Where are you young lady I'm worried sick are you okay are you hurt?"  Oh no "I'm coming back now I was just with a ... friend" looks like I'm in trouble "hurry please" He hangs up and I I eternally swear at myself.

"Hey lando, I'm really sorry I have to go back Charles is worried so I'll talk to you later?" 

"Yeah of course no worries, here's my number!" He passes me a peice of paper and we say our goodbye before I head back to the ferrari garage to meet Charles.

"There you are! I told you to stay put bit you ran off! Oh sweetheart are you okay are you hurt?"

"Dad I'm fine!" Oh no, I just realised what I said... "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean  to-" Charles cuts me off. "Oh little one it's all okay don't worry about it okay?"

"Okay" I say disheartened by what just happened. Later on that night we go home and eat Chinese takeaway and watch fast and furious. When I get into bed I post the picture of Lando I took when we went to lunch

 When I get into bed I post the picture of Lando I took when we went to lunch

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Met my new bestfriend today ❤️ #ferrari4life race for ferrari not mclaren

Liked by @landonorris and 40.5k others
Comments: 15.8k

@landonorris: mclaren for life aya 🧡

@landonorris: bsfs

@username4: a duo we needed
@username3: exactlyy ❤️x🧡

@charles_leclerc: username is on 🔥
@ maya.leclercc: you feel like home now 🫶

♡ Maya Leclerc ♡Where stories live. Discover now