Chapter 13: Chase: Must Be Done

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Seeing Seth blast a hole through the wall and put another one in what had been three giant monsters, while lightning surged off of him was a unique sight. How did the lightning not affect him at all? What happened while we were on our way to the mall? Where was Fig at? I had so many questions all of which couldn't be answered because of some tan-brown-haired girl named Lezlie. 

We had been driving for quite a long time since the mall. Ever was sleeping leaned against me and almost drooling on me. Adorable. Seth, Macie, and Ethan were all in the back row talking to each other about what happened. Mark and Emily were sleeping in the row between the first and last while Ari was in the front seat next to Lezlie. Those last three were also sleeping and had been pretty much the whole drive. I kept looking at the sword I had been given by Fig. It got tossed aside like I was paper and it was the clip holding me to three other sheets of paper. That beast just flicked it out of my hands, literally. 

Lezlie didn't help us feel better, because with extra experience, the beasts also flicked the knife she had just as easily. Without Seth, this quest would have been over already. He'd have been the only one left. Those beasts would have taken us to Gornid and he'd have found eight new demigods that had no power over it because we don't have our powers. 

"Chase you should try to rest," Lezlie said from the front seat looking in the rear view.

"I don't think I could if I tried to be honest." I couldn't even fake a smile.

"We're okay now. that's all that matters. None of those things will come for us as of right now." She added and actually felt empathetic.

"What was your first experience with those things out there?" I asked hoping to hear the truth, or something similar to what I had gone through. 

"I was with Fig, actually. Before we had been exposed to the demigod life, we had been very close friends. He lived with me because of a foreign exchange program that set us in the same housing unit. Which was odd because I was from England and he was from the UK. I also was a girl while he was a boy. We hadn't talked a lot at first because we didn't have anything in common. He was a cute bloke though." She giggled. "We had been on our way to the college we went to, we always went together because it was more cost-efficient. All of a sudden we saw a pig-like human being standing on its back legs and charging at us. We had no idea as to what we should've done. We just tried running from it. It was the first time we admitted to having a somewhat crush on each other, y'know?"

"The kind of trauma bonding thing that would make you open up." I figured that's where she was going. 

"Bingo, right before the beast dug its claws into us, well. Right after one hit me." She lifted the side of her shirt to a five-inch scar on her side. "Elijah popped up and battled it, he got sliced right across the chest and defeated it. Recruiting us to the demigod tundra that we are in now. Unluckily only us three are alive, well I think it's still us three." 

"Eli's definitely alive from what I know. Since we have Seth and NOT Fig I can openly say I'm more worried about the latter." I said as I saw a tear trickle down her face.

"Well, it's good that we made it to my house alive then." She said putting the van into park as the others began waking up.

We all grabbed our backpacks that we started with from the back of the van, except now they had dirty clothes instead of clean clothes in them and we all had weapons attached. We walked into the garage and inside the house. While small, it was open. the kitchen in one corner, T.V. was on the far wall. Front door in the kiddy corner to that while a couch was in the final corner, across from the hanging T.V. It didn't take long for a tan man, standing at six-foot-three with a long beard, no hair on his head like at all, you could clean your teeth in the reflection of it. He wore a button-up that had no buttons and that hid a six-pack, with what I could only guess had been bullet scars.

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