The Cursed Sword Intetsu

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Narrator POV

We see a young boy running away as he was injured for some reason as he hide behind some bushes. As he peak to see a girl that looks like exactly like him and a red/white hair girl , with a ash blonde hair girl.

???: Deku where are you?

???: you can't hide from us forever

??: this is for your own good you can't be a hero and accept your fate.

They left as the boy who is Izuku Yagi lay on the ground.

Izuku: dammit why does this happen to me. It ain't my fault that I was born like this why do I get to suffer this date dammit.

Izuku Yagi had a wonderful life until the age of four where he was diagnosed quirkless and since then his life has been a nightmare. To his parents ignoring him for his sister and forgetting him all of this years to his own sister bullying him. He has suffered so much but there is still good in his life.

The good thing is that he has amazing uncles and aunties that worry about him and give him love and attention not all the time but when they do he is happy. Two amazing grandparents that give him lots of love. Three older cousins that he considers his older siblings.

However, there is something that is telling him that there is someone else out there watching over him. When the weather begins to change he gets a box of new clothes that appear out of nowhere. Or times when his extended family can't give him food appears a hot meal in front of him. Also when he gets badly injured by Izumi and her two friends. He passed out from the pain, but when he wakes up he is all healed up. He believes that he has a guardian angel watching over him.

He stood up when he felt something coming from behind him. He looks back.

Izuku: what is that? I feel like something or someone is calling me.

He entered an entrance as he walks to see a entrance

He entered an entrance as he walks to see a entrance

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Izuku: I never saw this. Has people been here.

Meanwhile in another part of town we see two people walking next to each other.

???: Mihawk someone entered the cave

???: Mihawk someone entered the cave

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