Naomi's World

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It was early in the morning. Naomi had Religion Education class. "Confess your sins to Jesus, for He's a forgiving God" Ms Brooklyn was saying, while describing how Jesus died for the world to be forgiven from sin.
The bell rang and Naomi started walking out of the hall into the school yard.
Naomi was thinking about following her older brother's steps, Liam and becoming a pilot, like him. Although, no member of her family has ever been pressuring on her, she pressures herself a lot. She still is kind and clueless enough though to get manipulated easily. Her grades are high, but if she wants to be a pilot, they have to be just a little bit higher. Grace makes fun of her for that all the time. She does want to stop being friends with Grace, but she does not know how. Plus, she does not have other friends to hang out. As a result, she just tries to befriend Grace and Chloe and by "befriend" for her it means doing whatever Grace wants her to do. Maybe if her brother was there, he would find a solution. But now, he is all grown up and has a family. He felt more of an uncle than a brother, but Naomi did not care. If anything, she preferred it. A really close uncle that is also her best friend. And maybe, one of the only real friends she has.
She decided to talk to more people. To make new friends. She saw Nova and Ruth. "They're Canadian, so they probably won't tell me anything about being Australian, right?" Naomi thought. She took all of her courage and went to talk to them. "Hello, I'm Naomi!" She told them, with a happy face, hoping for a polite response. Even if they don't want her, she will not mind much, as long as they are polite. Nova saw Naomi who was talk with grey eyes, long, straight light blonde hair and pale skin. She quickly remembered the description of her Vivian had told Ruth.
"Hello, I am Nova and this is Ruth" Nova answered nicely.
"Hi" Ruth said awkwardly trying to smile.
(She does not like talking to new people, as she can be a bit shy).
"So, how are you doing, Naomi?" Nova asked trying to start a conversation.
"Oh, I'm fine, how about you girls? I've heard you come from North America, specifically from Canada. It must be really hard to just leave your home, eh?" Naomi said, being a little more confident. "We're pretty good, but even after so many months, it's so hard to settle here, as this environment is so new to us." Nova said. "Oh, I totally understand how you girls feel, I came here from Australia, probably 2 years ago and I still miss that place. Even if we go there for the holidays. I just miss being there with all my family and my friends..." Naomi said. "And I really miss my brother, he was literally my best friend." Naomi continued. "Wait really? What happened?" Nova asked. "He became a pilot and has moved back to Australia. I'll see him after graduation, since I want to move back to Australia as well and maybe also become a pilot" Naomi answered. "Oh that's sounds awesome! I guess we understand each other a lot then, since we both came from another place. Why did you leave Australia?" Nova asked as she seemed more and more invested. "Oh, my dad's an account manager, so my parents will be staying here probably for another 6 or 7 years. After a while, we'll go back to Australia, so I'm very excited!" Naomi said. "That's awesome! We'll be back in Canada in probably 3 years. Our moms are teachers here!" Nova said. "That's amazing! What are their names?" Naomi asked. "Ms Charlotte and Ms Emma, their last names are Anderson"
"Oh, Ms Charlotte teaches me French! She's your mom, right?" Naomi said excitingly.
"Yes!" Nova answered.
"What's your last names?" Naomi asked out of curiosity.
"Mine's 'Armstrong' " Nova said, as she looked at Ruth who looked as if she was thinking something else, waiting for her response. "Oh and mine's 'Bennet' " Ruth said, as if she just got out of her thinking zone. "That's nice! Mine's 'Adams' " Naomi answered. "That's awesome! Oh, I'm so happy that we'll graduate in Canada and not here!" Ruth started saying, as if she wanted to hint something. She might had even looked a little rude. "Oh, right" Naomi said, as if she just realized something and now even looked a bit sad. "Well, I have to go, it was nice talking to you Nova and... Ruth! Bye!" Naomi said trying to sound happy. So, the moment she found a friend, she's leaving the year of graduation? And why was Ruth rude?
"Why did you say that?" Nova asked Ruth a little angrily.
"Say what?" Ruth said as if everything was fine.
"That we'll leave before grade 12" Nova answered concerned again.
"Oh, that? You basically told her that we'll stay for 3 years" Ruth said carelessly.
"But you said it so weirdly and rudely! As if you were trying to get rid of her! And besides, maybe she didn't manage to count the years." Nova explained.
"Whatever, she was annoying and a friend of Grace." Ruth answered, trying to justify her actions .
"Who could had been trying to find new friends." Nova basically continued Ruth's sentence.
"You think so?" Ruth asked full concerned now.
"Totally, it was kinda obvious" Nova said.
"Oh sorry then, I'll try to be nicer if I talk to her again" Ruth said sounding as if she felt a little guilty.

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