Extreme Aerophobia

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The next day, they took the first flight to London. Although it was very hard for Nova to pack up all of her stuff and go to a whole new continent, she knew that it was worth it. She really liked planes, so she was very excited for the flight, unlike her cousin Ruth, who was terrified of them, due to a childhood memory of watching a movie with a plane crashing. She has not been over it since. Nova decided to sit with Ruth. After Ruth basically begged her to be the one to sit next to the window of the plane, Nova happily did, as she liked the idea of watching the view. She was just pretending that she did not want to at first, just to have some fun,which led to her cousin asking her repeatedly to change her mind. However, after she saw that Ruth was really petrified of looking at the direction of the window, she felt really guilty and quickly agreed to sitting next to it. She hardly ever saw her cousin so scared. Usually, she is more confident about many situations, which really surprised her as to how a flight could scare her, but not a robbery. Later on, as they were at their seats, she noticed how Ruth actually did not look at the direction of the big window next to her. She felt even worse now, but tried to start a conversation with her. What could she talk about though? Well definitely not the window. Or the plane. Or the flight in general. They are childhood best friends. How can she even be unsure about what to talk about? It could be anything. Even the fact that she is scared of going to another country, right? Actually, not really. She did not want to talk about that to anybody. Plus, it would probably be better if she talked about something that does not have to do with fear. "So, my mom said that we'll go to some Mall in a week. Do you remember the name of it?" She said to Ruth. "It's "Westfield London. Literally the most popular mall in the city" answered Ruth trying to not look at her direction, in order to avoid looking at the window. Nova could not help it anymore. "Look, I'm very sorry for what I didn't earlier, I just didn't know that you disliked it so much. I already knew that it was your biggest fear, but I didn't expect it to be that bad and that's my fault for not being more invested to your fears. I'm very sorry, Ruth" she said. Ruth smiled a little bit and said "It's fine, it's not your fault. I never told you much about it. To be honest, I didn't expect my aerophobia to be that extreme either. But, the moment I saw this huge plane, I remembered that plane from that movie and the scene where it crashed and..." "And almost everybody there died?" Nova interrupted. "No, it was an action film where there were only 2 people in the plane. The hero was trying to catch the villain who was getting away by flying the plane, not knowing that the hero was in. The hero caught him, but then it showed a scene where the plane started to go down really fast and the hero somehow brought it back up last moment and then landed it down. Then the villain was arrested and the hero was praised, you know. But, that scene of the plane nearly falling down has been stuck in my mind since. Whenever I see a plane in the sky, I pray to Jesus that the passengers will be fine. Whenever I hear about a plane crash in the news, I pray that people survived and if they didn't, to be happy in Heaven, with Jesus and their loved ones. I've even had multiple nightmares about being in plane that crushes down and the moment it touches the ground I wake up horrified. Surprisingly though, I've tried to rewatch that movie before. Just in case it can take that fear away from me, the way it brought it. But I hardly see any changes" said Ruth. Nova did not know what to say. She got so nervous, so she started to think what she would want to hear at that time. "It's totally normal to have such a fear. I'm really sorry that happened to you. Yet, wouldn't it be a great chance to get over your aerophobia now that it's your first time on a plane. I know it sounds hard, but please try to look at that window, even for a little bit" she honestly said. Ruth was wheeling to try anything to get over her aerophobia. Plus, she trusted her cousin. She looked at the window for the first time at the flight. She was scared for a small moment. She continued looking at it and started to get used to it. Apart from that, the view was pretty. It simply was the blue sky, but it was distracting her from her fear. It was not that bad now.

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