Work Together

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As the next morning came by in the hospital wing, Lui was woken by someone calling him. As he slowly woke up, he rubbed his eyes and looked at who was calling him. He looked as he saw a tired Liz looking at him. Lui sat up as he wanted to speak, but Liz cut him off.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you up Anna." Liz said. "I just wanted to know how are you."

Lui looked at her still, as he sighed and acted nice. "Thanks for caring Liz. I'm good." he said, as he remembered that the real Anna was worried about Liz, so he decided to ask that.

"Are you okay Liz? I was worried when I saw them bring you in here." Lui said.

Liz smiled by it. "I'm doing better. It still hurts a bit."

"Yeah. Shinki hit you hard." Lui said.

"But I'm fine, really." Liz said with a smile. "Why are you here Anna?"

"Oh umm. Shards, rammed me during the tournament, and I sprained my ankle." Lui said.

"Oh god. That's awful." Liz said all worried. "How bad is it?"

"Just a sprain. Nothing too serious." Lui said. "I'll be fine in no time."

"Phew. Okay good." Liz said all relieved.

Lui gave a fake smile, hoping Liz didn't see that. Lui then heard footsteps, as he looked forward, seeing madam Pomfrey coming towards Lui and Liz with her usual soft smile.

"Morning girls." she said in her soft tone. "How are we feeling today?"

"I'm doing a bit better." Lui said.

"Should we check on your ankle Anna?" madam Pomfrey said.

"Sure, I guess." Lui said sounding a bit unsure.

Madam Pomfrey went to Lui as she asked Lui to show his leg, so as Lui did that, she checked to see how his ankle is.

"It seems pretty stable. Can you try to stand up dear." madam Pomfrey said.

Lui nodded as he carefully stood up, keeping his balance as he did that. He didn't feel his ankle hurt that badly anymore like it did yesterday. "I feel better then yesterday." he said.

"That's good to hear." madam Pomfrey said. "Can you walk?"

"I can try." Lui said as he took a step, limping a bit, but walking felt way better for him now. 

"Well. Does it hurt?" madam Pomfrey asked.

"No. Not really. It feels better then yesterday." Lui said.

"Very good then. You're almost free to leave." madam Pomfrey said, as she looked at Liz. "You poor thing have to stay here a bit longer. Your injuries are in a very bad shape. But you'll be just fine."

Liz smiles by it. "Thanks madam Pomfrey. I promise to rest a lot." she said.

Lui watched it as he felt uneasy for some reason, but he was glad he can leave soon. Back in the Slyherin dorm, Anna slowly woke up as she rubbed her eyes. She had some dried tears on her cheeks from the night she fell asleep in tears. She groaned slightly as she saw she was yet again still in the Slytherin dorm room, stuck in Lui's body. She had hope it was gonna end on it's own, but it has been 3 days already, and yet she still had no answers. She worked herself over yesterday with no answers. Lui was not gonna be happy if she tells him that. Anna was then greeted by Shards, who was still in her pajamas, hair already combed as she got back to the bedroom. Shards noticed Anna awake as she spoke.

"Morning sleepyhead. God you two really love your sleep huh?" she said "Gabe over there hasn't woken up either."

"Oh, yeah my bad. Guess I was just really tired from yesterday." Anna said acting all casual.

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