Chapter 1:

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I was sitting there crying my eyes out, and they don't even bother to see if I'm all right.

' Maybe they just don't see you, I mean you are in a janitors closet.',my kind voice of reason answered.

'Put a sock in it dumbo! I'm sick of this, I'm done being kind, I'm killing you.'

'Wait N-!',Before it could finish ,it was stabbed out of my mind, and everything went black.


When i woke up I was still in the dark small place called the janitors closet, but, I felt better. I didn't know how to explain it,...drained! Yeah, that's the word,I felt drained of emotions. There was nothing there, just dry cemented over feelings, I felt better,stronger.

I stood up, and brushed off the back of my jeans. Then walked right out. People were huddled against their lockers in small or big groups talking about the latest gossip. Everyone stopped and looked at me when they smelled my scent. I smirked and walked with a bit of confidence.

Jenny the biggest bitch AND slut in school,blocked my path. "What's up bitch. Where's my homework?!" My smirk grew wider as I took her homework out of my back pocket and ripped in front of her face.

Gasps were heard all around us." You bitch, your gonna pay for that right now!" Her voice was sickening, I mean seriously, think of a parakeet.

She swung her fist back before letting it go. Before her fist hit my face I captured it. Her eyes grew wide, and fear snaked into them. I put my face closer to hers and whispered," Your gonna regret that."

More gasp filled the room and whisper talked about how I used to be so sweet and innocent. KEYWORDS, used to be.

I let her fist go before walking off.

I didn't really know what I would do to get her back, but maybe I could get them all back. Everyone one of those sickening people that made me into this.

But, I figured that I should get a makeover. NO, I will not turn into one of those rejection stories where I run away and come back a few years later to be a bad girl. No, those just don't happen. Ok, we'll maybe that does happen, but that's just plain stupid (no offense, I LOVE those stories).

I just figured that I would get better cloths, show a little skin, walk with a little confidence, and stand up for myself.

Next stop, the mall.


After a little reckless driving I made it to the mall.

I looked at the many shops and stands lined up against walls, and what ever the hell else a malls supposed to look like. I prepared myself for the long shopping of hell I was going to do, because god knows that I need a new wardrobe.


After alot of shopping I had dumped my bags in the car to get some ice cream. Yeah, that's right I skipped the shopping part! I haaaaaate shopping!

Anyways I was sitting in a booth by the window. People walked by, but the thing that interest me was the couple that walked hand and hand across the street. They were a strange couple, the guy was tall and wore glasses with nerdy cloths while the girl wore dark makeup with a Mohawk and dark cloths.

Love, hugh? Well let me tell you something, love kills people. True love doesn't exist. You may think so, but I don't. All love did for me is make my life worse. Love is supposed to be perfect, including the one you love. Your mate. That's right I'm a werewolf. My mate was supposed to think I was perfect, even if others didn't. See, love kills. I'm an example, I'm now dead inside, aren't I?

(Listen to the song 'my love' by sia with the lyrics made by lyricmaster1791)

I need death to-

My thought was cut off by the front door to bust open. A pack of men and a few women walked in along with them.


It was a different pack with their alpha in front of them.

His nostrils flared in my direction. "Mate..."

'That's funny because it sounded like he said "mate...."', I thought confused.

I shrugged and continued licking my ice-cream.

Ice-cream is just so good. Like you know how you sometimes eat a bucket of ice-cream and after you finish your wishing for more? That's just how good it is.

The sound of a few bodies sitting down at my table made me open my eyes.

Their alpha and his pack mates were seated in front of me. I scowled and stubbornly licked my ice-cream to avoid talking to them. I didn't need a stream of jokes and insults thrown my way. My alpha probably told them how disgusting and fat I am, I know I'm not fat though. I mean I guess I'm 'fat' if I can fit in a size zero in pants.

"Hello.", their alpha said gently.

I almost answered him, almost.

I took my time to observe him openly. Bright caramel eyes started at me in wonder with raised perfect eyebrows. A strong nose and a full perfect mouth. A strong and angular jaw. Everything was just so perfect with him, even his black hair that was too long and silky.

I didn't want to be in front of this look-alike god. It didn't feel right to be in front of someone so beautiful, I get that feeling all the time but with him I actually felt ashamed to not be as perfect as him.

"Alpha.", I nodded respectively to him.

"Please call me Saven." fit him well.

"Sorry alpha, but I can't and I won't. Goodbye.", I stubbornly replied back to him.

Before I could even get up I was turned around and his lips were crushed against mine. So soft...

His lips were also warm but the thing that shocked me was the familiar shocks going the through my body. The only difference was that the shocks were milder and he excepted me. Well, at least I think he did. I mean he had talked to me and kissed me, and I haven't even got a makeover.

His lips controlled mine and I couldn't help but follow.

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