chapter two ;

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-3rd POV-

[Name] watched the number one hero look over his shoulder slightly.

"Without a quirk...?" The hero muttered but suddenly began clutching his stomach in pain, and smoke began to form, making [Name] unable to see anything.

'Oh no, holy shit, goddammit...' All Might thought while [Name] squinted his eyes because of the smoke but nonetheless continued to speak.

"It might've been because I don't have a quirk, but I'm always made fun of." He slowly said, looking down as he glanced away.

"Maybe that's why... I don't know... But I think saving people is super cool." The (h/c)-haired boy muttered, a small smile forming on his lips, unaware that the smoke began to slowly disappear.

"Saving people with a fearless smile. I want to be the greatest hero, like you.!" He spoke and looked up with shining eyes, but his smile immediately dropped, and he began to scream once he saw a skinny blonde old man in front of him.

Somewhere else in a different location with Bakugo and his two 'friends'

"Hey, Katsuki, aren't you and Midoriya childhood friends?" One of Bakugo's 'friends' asked, making him glance back as he listened to the two behind him talk.

"You went a little overboard today." The other commented, making Bakugo look away as they continued to walk, while Bakugo glanced down, a slight frown forming in his face.

"It's his fault for getting in my way." He grumbled and kicked a bottle, which contained a sickly familiar sludge villain inside.

"Don't let it get to you." They stopped walking, and Bakugo looked down, his lips curling down as he thought about what happened earlier.

"[Name] is an idiot dreaming like a little kid!" He cursed, exploding the can in his hand, while his two 'friends' raised their eyebrows when they heard Bakugo call [name] by his name and not by the nickname he always calls him.

"Just watching him pisses me off!" His voice got louder, and he threw the burned and crushed van away with a snarl.

The two glanced at each other before looking back towards Bakugo. "Then why don't we go to the arcade for a change of pace?"

"You'll come too, right, Katsuki?"

Bakugo let out an agreeable hum. "Yeah."

"Then let's go to the one in front of the station. There's lots of prey there."

"You're terrible."

And Bakugo snapped his head towards the one who suggested that.

"What?! If we get caught, it'll end up on my record!" He screamed, making his 'friends' sweat, but their expression soon changed into pure shock and fear as they pointed at something behind Bakugo.

"Hey, look!" And as Bakugo also turned around, his eyes widened in terror, and the sludge villain took his form once again and launched itself at Bakugo.

Back to [Name] and All Might

[Name] was still in shock and stared at the skinny blonde man in front of him with wide eyes and a pale face.

"Y-Y-You're deflating...!" He blurted out, looking around frantically.

"Wait, up until now... Huh?!" He looked back towards the skinny male and let out confused noises. The confusion was written all over [Name]'s face.

"Fake? A fake?! You're so skinny!" He said bluntly, pointing at the now-skinny pro hero who deadpandered and stared at [Name] with an 'are you serious right now' expression.

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