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I ran as fast as I could. But seeing Luke has long legs, he caught up with me and pinned me against the locker.

"You should know better than to run Madison." Luke chuckles. I stare into his eyes. He chuckled even louder and threw me onto the ground. He started punching and kicking me. Before I knew it, everything went black.

I woke up in a white room. I was laying on a bed. I was utterly confused. I sat up and rubbed my eyes now realizing in how much pain I was in. I then realized that I was in the school nurses room. I know that because I'm always in here.

"Oh you're awake!" Somebody said. I turned my whole body, groaning at the movement and saw the school nurse standing with a cup of coffee in her hands. "Thought you wouldn't wake up, dear." She said with a warm smile, in which I returned.

"I'm fine." I said. "Okay sweety. You may leave sweety." She said, helping me off the bed.

"Oh, and sweety, I saw that your next class, and I wrote you a sick note, you won't be doing gym for the next 2weeks." She said handing the sick note to me. I thanked her and picked up my back pack from the floor and walked out of the nurses office, and started walking to the gym.

When I got there I gave the gym teacher the note, and I sat on the bench.

Soon school was over and I started walking back home. When I got home, my mom was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching tv. I walked over to her and sat next to her and put my head on her lap as she played with my hair.

"So how was school love?" My mom asked.

I shrugged.

"Maddie, we have guests later today." She said.

"Whose coming?" I asked.

"My friend from work, she's coming with her son." She said.

I nodded and went up stairs. I peeped through my sisters bedroom door to see her laying on her bed, doing something on her phone.

Let me tell you about my family. My parents are divorced, I live with my mom and go to my dad every second weekend. I have two sisters. Jasmine and Lauren. Jasmine is my eldest sister, she's a year older but she's extremely understanding and I love her to bits, she's the only one in the family that knows about Luke and the fact I cut myself.

Lauren is 8, she might be young but she's amazingly understanding.

"Hey Jaz." I said as I took a seat on the edge of her bed. She looked up at me and put her phone down and crawled over to me. She put her hands to my face, I crinched at the sudden contact.

"Mads." She said. I looked at her confused.

"What happened?" She frowned.

"Luke." I sighed. She kissed my head and hugged me.

"I love you, even though you look terrible." She said. I cried into her chest and we sat like that for a while, before mom said it was time to meet the guests.

I walked downstairs, before splashing water over my face and put new make up on, to cover up the bruises.

I walked downstairs, something caught my eye.

"Madison, Jasmine, Lauren this is Liz and her son Luke Hemmings."

I froze.



So yeah, a chapter.



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