Chapter 15

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Marie has adjusted to life here in Clover Green. Over the last few weeks, her friendship with the girls has truly blossomed. They behave as if they have been friends forever. Millie has become her first best friend. The two share a special unspoken bond that has grown strong. They've talked nonstop since Millie's hearing aids came in. Marie loves the other girls just as much as Millie but the two spend more time together. Marie and Millie have become joined at the hip. While Cleo and Keandre volunteer after school together occasionally. They have been close since they joined the Orphanage around the same time. Cassandra has been spending more time with her mom since she got out of rehab. If things continue to go well she might live with her again. The group gets together to watch a movie once a week.

As for Marie's relationship with Kaden, they have also gotten closer over the last couple of weeks. Their project presentation went great and they continued to hang out after school to do homework occasionally. They would laugh and joke and when they didn't feel like studying anymore Kaden would take her to the track to race her. He always let her win and she only pretended to gloat. During lunch, she and her friends would join his table. The two groups never really mixed before because Kaden and his friends are a tight-knit bunch. They opened up to the girls quickly though. Cleo and Cassandra jump into conversations easily with everyone and Keandre chimes in to make fun of the stupid things coming out of Dennis' mouth.

The combining of groups had to do partly with Kaden and Marie being friends but also because Millie and Darius started dating. They had become good friends since being partners. They even asked to switch seats in history class to sit next to each other. They became closer much faster than Kaden and Marie. Then the day after Darius' birthday last week he asked her out. They have been inseparable since. You couldn't slice between them with a butter knife.


Marie and the girls are on their way to school in the van. There is a test today in English class she has been studying for, all weekend. Marie is nervous but she always is before something important. However, today feels a bit different from her usual nerves. Marie wonders if she should have studied more. They step out of the van when it pulls up to the school and head to the front doors. Darius is waiting for his girlfriend Millie at the front with Kaden standing next to him. When Kaden sees Marie he breaks out in his signature smile and hugs her.

"Ready for this test?" Kaden puts his arm around Marie's shoulders and they walk down the hall to her locker.

"Yes. I feel pretty confident. What about you?" She feels butterflies in her chest. She would get hot in the face when he first started to do that. She hadn't gotten this much physical contact with a boy before. She is more used to it now but it still makes her feel a little odd.

"I am definitely passing. You know if you are only feeling pretty confident I wouldn't mind tutoring you." Kaden teases as they reach her locker.

"If you want to spend more time with me just say that." Marie laughs and moves from under his arm to get her stuff out of her locker. Unbeknownst to her that comment made Kaden's heart beat quicker. Marie closes her locker and takes a whiff of the air. She turns to Kaden and says "I think they are serving sloppy joe today."

Kaden looks at her confused. "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know it just smells like sloppy joe day, I guess. We should get to class it's almost time." Marie walks towards the direction of her class, which is near Kaden's first class. Kaden is even more perplexed by her response. He follows after her but his mind is not on his next class. How did she also smell that, the kitchen was far away. He pushes the thought aside and walks her to class. When they reach her door he pats her head and says bye before going into his.

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