Chapter 27

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Luna Ciara looks at Marie with a puzzled expression. "I'll explain," Marie says and returns to her seat. "See when I get the urge to make something I really don't know why I made it or what I will end up making. I am not sure why that is but I have been doing that since I could remember. While I made everyone's crafts I was also led to create the one in that bag. I don't know who it's for but I know, that you would know." She gestures to Luna Ciara. 

"I see" Luna Ciara opens the bag unsure how she is supposed to know who it belongs to when even Marie doesn't know. When she looks inside she instantly knows who it's for. Marie somehow made this without even meeting her youngest son. It is a wooden poker chip with a rainbow on one side and a soccer ball on the other side. Her youngest son Michael was a rainbow baby. A year before Michael was born Luna Ciara was pregnant and they had learned it was a girl. An unusual and seemingly organized rogue attack occurred at the pack during that time and after the fight Luna Ciara Miscarried. She was heartbroken for months and when she became pregnant again with Michael she hid herself in the house until he was born. Michael was born two months early and the doctors weren't sure he was going to make it. She prayed every day to the Moon Goddess and Michael made a full recovery. Now at ten years old, he is an active child who loves soccer and an intelligent boy who dominates anyone he plays in poker. Once again Luna Ciara is stunned at how Marie could possibly make something that resonates with the recipient's heart.

"You have a gift, Marie" Kiana speaks the thoughts on everyone's mind. "These presents are wonderful and so meaningful." The adults all nod their heads in agreement. Everyone eventually gets back to their dessert and light conversation. Once the dishes are cleared and washed Alpha Tyrell and Luna Ciara leave. Alpha Tyrell drops Luna Ciara off at home and heads to his office at the pack for a meeting later. Before she gets out of the car Alpha Tyrell stops his wife.

"There is something unique about Marie. Don't you think?" He says as he stares out of the front window of the car.

"I had the same thought. Watching her today she reminds me of myself in some ways. She has a strong power to her already. Whenever I spend time with her, she gives off a certain ... aura." Luna Ciara tries to explain.

"Yes she does but there is something else as well." Alpha Tyrell shakes his head. "I can't explain it."

"You think so, I feel like she gives off the aura of a Luna." Alpha Tyrell nods his head in agreement.

"She does, I can see that but there is something else. Her gifts were so specific and personal. Kiana was right when she said she has a gift." Alpha Tyrell doesn't say anything further as he stares contemplatively ahead of him. His wife kisses him goodbye and heads into the house.


Kaden walks into the house after playing soccer with his brother and some other kids in the pack. He and his brother walk into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. His mother is already in the kitchen cooking dinner. He grabs a bottle from the fridge and tosses it to his brother who is sitting at the table. He takes another for himself and takes a seat at the table as well. "How was lunch at Mrs. Kiana's house Mom?" Michael says after taking a large drink of water.

"It was nice as always." Luna Ciara washes her hands and dries them. "You just reminded me my goddaughter made you something Michael." She leaves out of the kitchen and comes back with a bag in her hand. 'A couple of weeks ago Mom and Dad's goddaughter who they thought died 11 years ago was found and adopted by Michael's godparents. Michael and I haven't met her yet, since she has been training for her first shift. I am pretty sure no one in the pack has met her yet. It is all people have been talking about since the news spread.'

"Wow, this is so cool. How did she know I liked soccer and poker." Michael says, to his mother while flipping the wooden poker chip between his fingers.

"She didn't. She has this gift of knowing what a person will like even without knowing." Kaden's interest is now peaked and he holds his hand towards his brother. "Let me take a look." His brother places the poker chip in his hand and Kaden examines it. He flips it over to the other side and sees something familiar below the soccer ball. There were two small letters M.H. He puts the poker chip down and runs upstairs to grab his necklace. He keeps it in the box it came in so he doesn't ruin it. When he returns to the kitchen he looks at the back of the pendant and then at the poker chip.

"Mom, what is the name of your goddaughter?" Realization is beginning to sink in as he looks up at his mom.

"Her name is Marie, Marie Hendricks. I thought I told you guys." Kaden falls into his chair stunned. How did it take him this long to even ask? This whole time Marie was his parent's goddaughter who they thought was dead.

"I... she... she is the girl I befriended at school. The one I had the history project with. I can't believe she was your goddaughter this whole time." Luna Ciara stood there shocked. She was that close to us and we had no idea. The girl my son had often mentioned in passing was my goddaughter. She shakes her head, there have been too many surprises today. She is back to chopping when the conversation with her husband from earlier pops into her head. She chuckles to herself. She and Cora always joked they were meant for each other. Now they just might be.

Kaden has been pacing in his room for hours after that bombshell of a realization. He has been debating whether he should call and ask Marie about this or go in person to see her. The latter was very tempting since he hadn't seen her in weeks. There was another reason he wanted to see her but he wouldn't give it much thought. His mother calls him from downstairs to tell him dinner is ready. This decision will have to wait until after he eats. He gets to the dining room and sits down. His father looks like he's in deep thought. When everyone is sitting they say grace and dig in. Luna Ciara made spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner which is delicious as always. Alpha Tyrell clears his throat and everyone looks at him.

"There has been some suspicious activity around the border between our pack and Peak pack. I want you, Dennis, and Malcolm to join us on a scouting mission." He points to Kaden. "I would say Darius too but I know he is currently busy. We leave tonight, so pack after dinner."

"Yes sir," Kaden replies. 'Well, there goes my plans to see Marie. With this being a scouting mission who knows if I will return before her birthday? ' They finish their dinner and Kaden heads upstairs to pack the essentials. Kaden shoots Marie a quick text that he will be away for some time and won't be able to talk. She sends a sad face emoji and tells him to be safe. Once again that strange tug in his chest returns when he talks to her. There's a knock on the door from his father checking if he is ready. He grabs his bag and heads out to the car with his dad.

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