club party....

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?? : good morning baby wake up you have your class today...
Yunie: good morning Ajjuma but 5 min more {in sleepy voice}
Ajjuma : but you told that today you have a test and also D-{her word cut by her screaming }
Yunie: WHAT!!! Why you not wake me ahhaa god I am getting late {she cry like a child}
Maid: baby go get wash up breakfast is ready..
Then yunie rush for her mourning routine
after geeting ready ....
Her look......

*she come down stairstook an apple and left for her university at

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*she come down stairs
took an apple and left for her university at ..👇

At university

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At university..
??: hey dear to early, han!!(glaring at her)
Yunie: hehe lia I have just forgot about test lets go !!(said with awkward and nervous smile)
Lia : ya lets go or else our so called mafia queen will have detention (mokingly)
Yunie: I think u don't love your life more ( death glare)
Lia: yah!! Lets go ( said while rolling eyes)
They both come to the class and just then professor also come and class started ..
Yunie and lia were eating when yunie get a call..
Yunie; yeh alex! is every thing alright?
Alex : yes ma'am everything is alright! I had call you to tell you that the gun which were coming from Japan had been arrived ..
Yunie : ok have you checked all and did tia come from mission
Alex: yes boss she has also come and we have won
Yunie: well I already know that (with a smirk) ok so I have to go now I will meet you all later .
Alex: ok boss..
After university they were going to school garrage.
Lia : hey yunie will you hangout with me today please(show her puppy eyes )
Yunie: yah you know I have work today
Lia: plaeseu naa(show her cute pouty face )
Yunie: (sigh)yah u know how to convince me..
Lia: so you are coming na please please ..
Yunie: (sigh) okk
Lia : yeh wohooooo(jump excitedly and yunie just smile)
Yunie : then at 8 pm (they high five and left for home)


Yunie: oppa I will come early before 10 please naa(whinning like a kid)
Tae; no means no (strictly)
Yunie: oppa please na ( with pout )
Tae : ok ok but before 10 okay?
Yunie: ok
Tae : no over drinking (said strictly)
Yunie : (chukle) oppa you know I don't like drinking.
Tae; ya but when you get drunk then you became like pig .(chuckle)
Yunie: yah yah whatever(roll her eyes) ok so I am going for getting ready (she jumped and went to her room mean while tae shake his head)
After she get ready
Her look

(chuckle)Yunie: yah yah whatever(roll her eyes) ok so I am going for getting ready (she jumped and went to her room mean while tae shake his head)After she get ready Her look

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(She came down stairs)

Ajjuma: hey baby you are looking so cute
Yunie: Aww thanku ajjuma for your complement(she pinch ajjuma cheek)
Ajjuma : so when you will come ,?
Yunie : upto 10 don't worry I will come at time
Ajjuma : ok sweety take care
Yunie: oppa I am going (shout from staircase )
Tae : take some bordyguard with you (he said while coming down stairs)
Yunie: oppa I am going to spent some time with my friend not for war that your those pilars will come with me
Tae : but..(y/n cut him off)
Yunie : oppa I am strong girl now no but bye (smile)
Tae : (sigh) bye take care (smile back)
*With that she left with her bike*

AT CLUB.....
*She went and saw lia at entere*
Lia: yah yunie-ah you are looking so cute (she said while admiring you)
Yunie: you too now lets go (smile)
*Then both go to VIP section cause tae already book that for them *

...As they enter there they saw their some of old school friends ..
*The they noticed lia and yunnie and one of them spoke*

Sam: hey yunie & lia how are you long time no see(he said while gesturing them to sit)

Yunie:yeh we are fine how are you guys (she said while sitting)
Juliya: we are also fine join us na (she said to lia who was till now stand there (you know such a crazy friend yunie have)
Lia : oh yeah sure (she said awkwardly)
*Then they all sit together and talk about old memories*
Jooni: hey yunie lets have some drink (she ask out of nowhere)
Yunie: no its okay I don't drink.
All exept lia : WHAT?? ARE YOU SERIOUS..(they shouted)
Sam : hey yunie-ah we are now adult we can drink ...
Juliya: ya not much but atleast one shot .
Yunie:no no guys it's okay you all drink I am coming i have to attend a call .
Everyone: ok (shrugged)
Then yunie go out and took her phone and saw alex and tia call her more than 20 times then call back them
Yunie; hello tia
Tia : boss are u fine is every thing ok(panic tone)
Yunie ;yeh yeh every thing is okay what happen (tried to calm her)
Tia: boss we have find mafiyas around you .(Said in serious tone)
Yunie: so what I am in bar so it's a simple thing (casually)
Tia : boss but anonymous shadow is also nearby you and I think he come to harm you.(Little afraid)
Yunie: (smirking) oo is that then it would be his last day tell alex-
Tia: (under stand what yunnie is about to do) don't worry boss I have already told him to take your stuff to you with guards(smirking)
Yunie: okk then (hang the call)

Then she call her oppa ...

Tae: yeh cutie what happen.
Yunie : oppa I will stay at lia's home today.
Tae : ok but get home at time
Yunie ;okk oppa
(Hang up the call)..


*To be continued*

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