14. Calm After the Storm

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When I came to, everything was calm. I was all the way forward in my seat, the harness straps holding me up. I slowly unclipped one and I put my hand on the ceiling trying to steady myself. I reached down to the other strap and released it, miserably falling on my arm. My wrist hurt and I waited a minute for the pain to subside. 

I turned my head to try and look outside. The tornado was gone, I hoped the theater was still standing. I grunted and slowly reached my hand out of the truck, trying to grab onto something to pull me out. "Caroline!" 

I stopped for a second when I heard Javi say my name. If Javi was alive, maybe Tyler was too. I started to work my way out of the truck again when I felt two pairs of hands gently grab me. "Easy." 

I choked out a sob, at the sound of Tyler's voice. He and Javi helped pull me out of the truck, and I propped myself up on the door. Tyler was supporting me, he had a hand on the back of my neck and my leg was resting between his, his hand under my knee. 

I took a ragged breath, "Did it work? Is everyone okay?" I turned to glance at Tyler, "Did it help?" He had the biggest smile on his face, and I know I saw tears in his eyes. "You did it Caroline." 

I closed my eyes and let a lazy smile spread across my face. Javi was congratulating me but all I could focus on was Tyler. He reached a hand up and brushed a curl out of my face, his hand lingering on my cheek before falling to rest on my thigh. I leaned into him more and he let me. 

Tyler's team began to gather around us and they were congratulating me as well. Boone told me he loved me, and I smiled at him. I turned back to Tyler and rested my head on his chest. I think Javi noticed our moment, and he turned to lead the group back towards the town, "Caroline might need an ambulance." I thanked Javi and he gave my hand a squeeze before heading back with the others. 

Tyler couldn't take his eyes off of me and I turned, reaching a hand up to his face to wipe away a single tear, "I'm okay." He nodded and reached up to take my hand, holding it in his lap, "I know." I smiled and let myself rest on him again. 

"That was stupid, you know that?" I felt him squeeze my hand and I smiled, "You're the one who says to ride your fears." He shook his head and I chuckled. I turned to look down at his leg and I brought my free hand over to his wound, touching it gently. He flinched a bit and I looked up at him, "Sorry." He smiled, "That's alright." 

He opened his mouth to say something more, but Javi was back with a medic. I turned to Tyler, "You're coming with me right?" 

He smirked, "Right behind you Miss Texas."

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