Mobile Task Force Resh-1

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Mobile Task Force Resh-1, designated as the Seat of Consciousness, is the personnal Task Force for the Administrator him/herself. Resh-1 isnt even known by the entire 05 Council except for 05-1. Due to their existence being widely unknown, they can conduct missions without any interferences from enemy organizations. They are also know to have and affiliation with [REDACTED]

Along with these traits, Resh-1 is also known to constantly be "high on life" and are "fighting inner demons" so they can work in the force without much stress or worry. They are also the most elite, and thus the most stealthy and powerful (on Par with MTF Tau-5 "Samsara").

Members of the squadron will be required to go through Foundation background checks and testing before entering the team. This due to Alpha-1, Resh-1, and Omega-1 failed to defend Site-01 and MTF Tau-5 were sent to restabilize the Site. Currently most members are simply staying within barracks or being terminated for treason against the Foundation.

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