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I got home still shaken up about what happened

I open the door and close it immediately, leaning on the door Max and Vance turn to me

Max:hey are you okay?
Y/n:um, yeah just give me a minute, where's Peter
Peter:I'm here

He comes out from the hall and it slightly startles me

Y/n:I'll be back to make dinner

I walk past Peter and go into my bedroom

I sit down and put my face in my hands and start crying

Henry was still out there and he was coming for me, I didn't know whether he was gonan hurt me or help me, either way I was petrfied

Peter walks in and closes the door, I feel his sit down and put his hand on my shoulder

Peter:Y/n? Are you feeling okay?

I turn to look at his worried face

Y/n:no I'm worried for my children safety right now
Y/n:can I trust you with something?

I hesitate

Y/n:when I was a child, I met this boy, he was my neighbor and his name was Henry, I knew him for about 3 weeks before my house was burned down with my parents inside and I never heard from him again, I've been searching for him for years and today I went to see his father a-and

I stutter to get my words out as his once worried face started turning into a serious one

Peter:and what
Y/n:he told me that Henry killed his family and that now he knows where I live, Peter I have 2 children, I can't have them be put in danger

He grabs onto my shoulder

Peter:listen to me, he will not hurt your children, he won't hurt a hair on their head, they're safe, you're safe, but you

I shiver, the look in his eyes scaring me

Peter:he just wants you

He stares at me as I look at him in fear

He smiles widely

Peter:dinner is ready, I made food, let's go eat

He let's me go and stands up

Peter:well come on

He walks out

I sit there frozen in fear

What was gonna happen to me?

Sorry I haven't updated guys I lost interest for Henry but I'll try to finish this

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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