Chapter 2 : Grandma

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Emily's breath caught in her throat as she saw a portrait of her grandmother hanging on the wall. It was the same one that used to hang in her grandmother's sitting room, the one Emily had often gazed at as a child. But there was something different about it. The frame was ornate and polished, but what struck Emily was the inscription at the bottom, written in a language she didn't recognize.

Her heart raced as she leaned in closer to examine the unfamiliar script. She could make out the faint shape of symbols that seemed to glow slightly under the dim light of the room. Just then, the woman re-entered the room, causing Emily to jump.

"You've found it, haven't you?" the woman said, her voice soft but tinged with something Emily couldn't quite place.

Emily turned to face her, trying to mask her unease. "This portrait... it's of my grandmother. How do you know her?"
The woman smiled gently, though there was a sadness in her eyes. "Your grandmother and I were... old friends. She left that here with me a long time ago, knowing that one day you'd come looking for it."But... why?"Emily asked, confusion lacing her voice.

The woman moved closer, her gaze never leaving Emily's. "Because there's more to your grandmother's story, and yours, than you know. That music box you found? It was meant to lead you here, to discover the truth about your family."
Emily felt a cold shiver run down her spine. "The truth?"

"Yes," the woman said, her voice barely a whisper. "Your grandmother was the guardian of the forgotten treasures. But she wasn't just protecting them—she was hiding them, from those who would misuse their power. She knew you would be the one to finish what she started."

Emily's mind raced. The strange tomb, the mysterious forest, the talking spider—it all started to make a bizarre kind of sense. "But why me?" she asked, desperation creeping into her voice. "I'm not like her. I don't know anything about this world."The woman placed a comforting hand on Emily's shoulder. "You're more like her than you think. She saw the same curiosity, the same courage in you. That's why she left the music box for you, to guide you here."

Emily stared at the portrait again, her mind swirling with questions. The woman's words resonated within her, awakening something she hadn't known was there—a deep connection to her grandmother, and to the legacy she had left behind.

The woman's voice broke through Emily's thoughts. "The inscription on the portrait—it's a map, but it can only be read by someone of your bloodline. It will lead you to the true treasure, the one your grandmother sacrificed so much to protect."

Emily's gaze shifted back to the glowing symbols. "How do I read it?"

The woman smiled, a knowing look in her eyes. "You already have the key. The music box... it's more than just a guide. It's the key to unlocking the map."

Emily fumbled in her pocket, pulling out the music box. She turned the key again, and as the haunting melody filled the room, the symbols on the portrait began to shift and rearrange themselves into a map—a map that Emily instinctively understood.

"You'll have to be careful," the woman warned. "The path ahead is dangerous, but you must see this through. Your grandmother's legacy depends on it."

Emily nodded, determination settling in her chest. "I will. I promise."

The woman handed Emily a small satchel. "Take this. It will help you on your journey. And remember, you're never truly alone. Your grandmother is with you, always."

Emily took the satchel, feeling its reassuring weight in her hands. She looked back at the portrait one last time, then turned to the woman. "Thank you. For everything."

The woman nodded, her expression unreadable. "Good luck, Emily. May the spirits of the forest guide you."

With that, Emily stepped back into the night, the music box still playing softly in her hand. The forest seemed darker now, more foreboding, but Emily felt a newfound strength within her. She had a purpose, a destiny to fulfil .

As she followed the map's glowing path, the forest seemed to shift around her, the trees parting to reveal a hidden trail. She could feel her grandmother's presence guiding her, urging her forward.

The journey ahead would be long and perilous, but Emily was ready. She was no longer just a girl lost in the forest; she was a guardian, a protector of forgotten treasures. And she would stop at nothing to uncover the truth and honour her grandmother's legacy.

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