Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The Defense of Cairo Station

The Spartans moved through the winding corridors of Cairo Station with the precision and discipline that only years of combat could instill. The sounds of battle were growing closer-plasma fire and explosions echoed through the station as Covenant forces began their assault. The automated defenses were doing their best to hold the line, but it was clear that the Covenant were pushing hard, determined to gain a foothold.

Noble Team and Red Team had split up to cover critical areas, each group focused on repelling the invaders. Emile and Six found themselves guarding a key junction near the station's power core, where a squad of Sangheili warriors had already breached the bulkhead.

"Looks like they're bringing out the big guns," Emile muttered as he readied his shotgun, the familiar weight of the weapon steadying his nerves.

Six nodded, his DMR up and ready. "Let's give them a warm welcome."

The Sangheili charged, their energy swords crackling to life as they closed the distance. Six fired off a series of precise shots, each round finding its mark and bringing down one of the advancing Elites. Emile followed up with a devastating blast from his shotgun, the close-range power of the weapon tearing through the Covenant ranks.

Despite their relentless assault, the Spartans held their ground. The corridor was soon littered with the bodies of fallen Covenant, but the Spartans knew there was no time to celebrate. The station's alarms continued to blare, signaling that the threat was far from over.

Just as they prepared to move to the next position, Six's HUD blinked with an incoming message. The unmistakable voice of Lord Hood came through the comms, urgent and direct.

"Noble Six, this is Lord Hood. We've identified a potential opening in the Covenant's formation. There's a YSS-1000 Sabre in Hangar Bay 7. We need you in the air to help repel their assault from above."

Six's mind raced. A Sabre? It was a long-range space superiority fighter, one of the UNSC's best tools for engaging Covenant ships. He knew how to pilot one-he'd been trained in it as part of a classified mission long before joining Noble Team. But this wasn't exactly common knowledge.

"Understood, sir. We're on our way," Six replied, his voice steady.

He quickly turned to Emile and the rest of the Spartans who had regrouped nearby. "We've got new orders. I need to get to Hangar Bay 7 and take command of a Sabre."

Jerome raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised. "A Sabre? Since when do you know how to fly one of those?"

"Since before," Six replied, evading the question. "I'll explain later-if we make it through this."

Emile chuckled, clearly intrigued. "You've got some secrets, Six. Let's make sure you live long enough to share them."

With that, the Spartans moved out, pushing through the Covenant forces that were scattered throughout the station. The corridors were a war zone, with plasma bolts flying and UNSC Marines and ODSTs fighting desperately to hold back the tide. The Spartans cleared a path, their combined firepower overwhelming the Covenant forces they encountered.

They reached a particularly fierce firefight near the hangar bay, where a group of Covenant had set up a defensive perimeter. Jackals with energy shields were laying down suppressive fire while a pair of Hunters lumbered forward, their fuel rod cannons glowing ominously.

"Focus on the Jackals first," John-117 ordered, his voice calm and controlled even in the chaos.

Kelly, with her speed and agility, darted around the edge of the firefight, flanking the Jackals and taking them down with pinpoint accuracy. Fred and Jerome advanced with heavy weapons, their firepower focused on the Hunters. The Spartans' coordinated assault broke the Covenant's defenses, and within moments, the path to the hangar bay was clear.

The massive doors to Hangar Bay 7 slid open, revealing the sleek form of the YSS-1000 Sabre nestled inside. The hangar was surprisingly empty, save for a few technicians who were hurriedly prepping the fighter for launch.

Six moved toward the Sabre, glancing back at the others. "I'll take it from here. Cover me until I'm in the air."

The other Spartans nodded, forming a defensive perimeter around the hangar as Six climbed into the cockpit. The controls were familiar, the training coming back to him as he powered up the Sabre's systems. The roar of the engines filled the hangar, and the fighter's systems came online, ready for combat.

As Six prepared for launch, Emile's voice crackled over the comms. "You better make it back, Six. You owe us a story."

Six smirked as he adjusted his helmet. "Don't worry, Emile. I'm not planning on going anywhere."

With a final check of the systems, Six engaged the Sabre's thrusters, lifting the fighter off the hangar floor. The hangar bay doors slid open, revealing the chaos of the battle in space. Covenant ships filled the void, their weapons blazing as they engaged the UNSC's defenses.

Six didn't hesitate. He pushed the Sabre's engines to full power, shooting out of the hangar and into the fray. The fight for Cairo Station had taken a new turn, and now, Six would be fighting on a different front-one where the fate of Earth could very well be decided.

As the Sabre streaked into the battle, the other Spartans continued their defense of the station, knowing that the skies above them were in good hands.

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