Epilogue - Post Credit

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As they walked down the hallway of the hotel, the soft click of their rolling suitcases echoed in the quiet space. Neha walked beside Himangi, her heart heavy, tears silently slipping down her cheeks. Though she tried to hide it, Himangi sensed the sadness that clung to her.

Himangi stopped, turning to Neha with concern in her eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked gently, reaching out to wipe a tear from Neha's face.

Neha hesitated for a moment, then looked into Himangi's eyes and said softly, "If the world knew, they'd label this as an affair... but it feels like so much more, doesn't it? Like we've crossed into something sacred, something real."

Himangi's expression softened as she gently stroked Neha's cheek with her thumb. "I wouldn't call it an affair," she said firmly, her voice tender yet resolute. "The world doesn't need to know this, Neha. The world has enough problems to worry about without prying into the life of a married woman who happens to love and fuck a beautiful young woman. I love my husband-he's a great man-but what we have is something different. It's pure, Neha. It's a connection that doesn't need to fit into a simple category. It's ours, and that's enough."

Neha nodded slowly, absorbing the weight of Himangi's words. There was a calm wisdom in what Himangi had said, a perspective that both grounded and reassured her. It wasn't the answer she had hoped for, but it was one she could respect.

Himangi hesitated for a moment, then allowed a small, bittersweet smile to surface. "Besides," she added softly, almost as if convincing herself, "you're a woman. That doesn't count, right?"

Neha nodded slowly, trying to absorb the weight of Himangi's words. The logic made sense, but her heart still ached with uncertainty. "But what if... what if we regret this later?"

Himangi's hand cupped Neha's face, her gaze steady and filled with reassurance. "Please, Neha, don't make us regret what we just did. We followed our curiosity, our desire to experience something new. It's okay to explore, to step outside the lines sometimes. But we can't let this moment define us or haunt us. We shared something unique, but it doesn't have to be more than that. It doesn't need to carry the weight of guilt."

As she looked at Himangi, the admiration she felt deepened. Himangi wasn't just a lover to her; she was a mentor, a woman who had navigated the complexities of life with grace and integrity. Neha felt a surge of love and respect, more profound than anything she had ever experienced before.

"I get it," Neha whispered, her voice tinged with resignation but also understanding. "We don't have to label this or carry it with us forever. It was just something we wanted to try, something that's ours and ours alone."

Himangi smiled gently, her eyes softening. "Exactly. What we shared doesn't need to be defined or confined. We had our reasons, our curiosity, and now, we move on. We have our own lives, our own paths, and that doesn't diminish what happened here. It's just a part of us, a part of our story."

Neha lifted her head, her eyes searching Himangi's. "I don't want to lose this... lose you."

"You won't," Himangi assured her, her tone gentle but firm. "What we have doesn't end because we leave this room or go back to our lives. It stays with us, in the way we look at each other, in the way we understand each other. This isn't goodbye, Neha. It's just another beginning."

Neha's eyes welled up with emotion, and she pressed a tender kiss to Himangi's lips. "Thank you... for everything."

Himangi returned the kiss, soft and lingering, before pulling back to look deeply into Neha's eyes. "Remember this, always. Whatever happens, you're stronger than you think, and you're deserving of all the love and happiness the world has to offer. Don't ever forget that."

Himangi took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I love my husband, Neha. That's true, and what we did... it doesn't make me unfaithful to him. It doesn't make me bad."

Neha listened intently, her eyes locked on Himangi's.

"In fact," Himangi continued, "I think I love him even more now. Because I've realized something important-you only live once, and you should enjoy it to the fullest. It's the deeds, the choices we make, that define who we are as women, not just the labels others put on us."

She gently took Neha's hands in hers. "You and my husband are the most important aspects of my life. This weekend made me realize that I can, and I will, continue to love the two most important people in my life. It's not about choosing one over the other-it's about embracing the love I have for both of you, in different ways, but equally significant."

Neha felt a wave of emotion wash over her as she processed Himangi's words. There was a deep wisdom in what Himangi was saying, a maturity that only comes from experience and self-awareness.

She squeezed Himangi's hands, her voice filled with admiration. "I understand, and I respect that. You've shown me that love isn't limited, that it can expand and grow in ways I never imagined."

Himangi smiled, a serene expression on her face. "Exactly. Love isn't a finite resource; it's something that can stretch and adapt. And this weekend, it taught me that my love for you doesn't diminish my love for him. It's a different kind of love, but no less real."

Neha nodded, feeling a sense of peace settle over her. "Thank you, Himangi. For everything."

They held each other close, savoring the connection they had forged, knowing that this moment would stay with them forever. As they slowly pulled apart, there was a sense of closure, but also of continuation-a realization that their bond would transcend the boundaries of that hotel room.

Neha paused, turning back to look at Himangi one last time. "I'll never forget this," she said softly.

Himangi smiled, her expression warm and full of affection. "Neither will I."

As they walked out of the hotel, hand in hand, there was a quiet understanding between them, a bond that would remain unspoken but deeply felt as they returned to their separate lives.

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