Chapter Two- Judge of Justice II

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"You can't keep doing this," Matsuyama spoke to Monokuma, "you've had your fun."

"But why stop when the fun can keep going!" Monokuma chirped, "make sure to get a good nights rest because tomorrow morning you'll be in for a special surprise!"

"No," Winona whispered and hugged herself, "I can't go through that again."

Masaru glanced to Priscilla who was already looking at him before she looked back to Shoji. Seto and Kaneko with her snake left the bleachers to walk over to them.

"Well, I'll let y'all get back to your little game now!" Monokuma disappeared knowing good well that they would not be able to do that in high spirits again.

"Way to ruin the day," Umeda grumbled.

"Enough playing around," Priscilla said, "we need a way out of here. Now."

"Well, when you find one let me know," Nao said then sniffed herself, "yuck. I'm going back to my dorm."

"So much for having a good time," Arata watched Nao leave and put his hands on his hips, "sorry guys."

"It's not your fault," Matsuyama told him.

"Yeah it's Mr. Monokuma's fault," Kaneko said and rubbed Pinku's tiny head, "don't worry, we'll teach him a lesson."

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Herb spoke quietly.

"Yeah don't do anything reckless." Seto rubbed his sore shoulder. "I'm leaving too."

The students began to disperse from their short lived moment and Matsuyama sighed.

"I don't want us all to go through another class trial," he said and Mizuno pointed a finger at him.

"Hey, we don't even have a motive yet and you're already expecting the worse."

"Why shouldn't he?" Masaru asked, "if one of us killed before then someone's most likely to do it again."

"Don't speak so negatively," Toma said then looked to the gym doors, "I guess I will go feed my birds now. See you later?"

Mizuno frowned. "Don't phrase it as a question, it makes me nervous."

"I apologize." Toma smiled. "See you later."

Masaru left right after him before Mizuno could speak and went back to his dorm.
As soon as he closed the door he grabbed the book he hid under the bed and sat at his desk.

Masaru stared down at the title before flipping the book open. He was hoping to find something useful about this place inside but instead his eyebrows furrowed at the pages that were mostly marked out. Black sharpie covered most of the words on each page making some parts unreadable. The only basic words he could make out were Hope's Peak Academy, the tragedy, despair, and killing game. Basically everything he already knew and nothing to help them find the mastermind.

However, there were pictures of the school and Masaru saw differences in the one he was trapped in right now. The only similarities were the hallway bathrooms, the dining hall, and the outside.

The outside...

"How would I even know what the outside of the school looks like?" Masaru spoke out loud to himself only to be forcefully thrown into another memory


Just as he thought, Masaru stood in front of a tall building that looked similar to Hope's Peak Academy. It didn't seem like he was being forced to be here and he could not see any threats around him indicating otherwise. He tried to observe his surroundings to get a clue to where he and his classmates were but it was like his brain was blocking out every single detail except for the school in front of him.

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