Chapter Five- Blind Veils II

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Masaru stood in the middle of Priscilla's room as she retrieved Shoji's computer from under her bed. He then went to stand over her as she made her way to the desk and sat down.

Priscilla opened the laptop and the screen showed the same files and notes Shoji had on all his classmates. She then closed out of everything and clicked a file that was labeled secret passages.

A map and blueprints of the entire school popped up but anything above the second floor was blacked out. There were red circles that marked certain areas such as the school hallway bathrooms and next to the game room...

"That's..." Masaru had no words.

"Shoji had obviously seen something to make him document this in his computer," Priscilla said, "he didn't even tell me about this when we first started working together. I only found the file when I searched through the laptop the first time I had it in my possession."

Priscilla fiddled with her hands. "I didn't tell you about this before because I found you a bit suspicious especially after I saw the note Shoji left about you."

"I guess I can understand that," Masaru said, "so these secret passages or tunnels are hidden throughout the school?"

Priscilla nodded. "I thought I saw something close near the game room but maybe I was just seeing things."

"Do you really believe that?"


Masaru chuckled a little. "If you believe what you saw then you are probably right. Do you think this is how the traitor or mastermind secretly moves around?"

"It has to be." Priscilla zoomed in on the blueprints. "These passages seem to only be accessible by a wall and not an actual door or pathway. I guess it's more concealed that way where no one can just 'stumble upon it'."

"I hope you're not planning on entering one of those passages," Masaru told her, "at least not yet."

Priscilla said nothing.


"I know, I know. I just can't help but think that I could catch whoever is using these passages in the act." Priscilla stared at the screen without looking up.

"Well, for that we'd need a plan," Masaru said, "don't do anything stupid."

Priscilla laughed. "I can say the same to you."

Masaru left her dorm now with new information and felt that he would have to keep a closer eye out for things.

Masaru wandered down the hallways and stopped at the computer room that he most definitely forgot about. For some reason he stepped inside and it looked the same as it did before. He hasn't been in here since the very first motive and he understood why anyone else wouldn't come back to this room.

The students family tapes were no where to be seen and the computer screens were pitch black. They were the same type of computers in the library and he clicked the start button but of course it didn't turn on. He started to get frustrated from the lack of access to things but then heard a whirring noise that sounded like something moving.

Masaru looked up to see the front wall in front of all the desks and computers slowly start to open like a door.


As soon as the words left Masaru's mouth the wall closed so quick that he almost thought he imagined it. He blinked and now saw what Priscilla was referring to first hand. Someone was definitely secretly moving around the school and he cursed himself for making a sound. If he didn't then the person would've come out where he could see. It would make sense to use the computer room though since no one in their right mind would come back in here.

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