CYOA Choices

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Lt Ouronumov's Worm CYOA V17


Name: Amber Livsey

Who: Reincarnation ,Female, Twin (Sarah Livsey/Lisa Wilbourn), Home Life: Bad,

Scenario: September 2008, One Week Late: x40

Entry: June, 2009

Skills: Single Style Artist, Talented Artist, Adaptable Martial Arts, Martial Weapons Artist, Marksman, Gun Fu, Survival: Stealth, Software Engineering, Information Security, Tactics, Strategy, Driving, Pickpocketing, Lip Reading, Cold Reading, Information Extraction, Polyglot, Babel

Perks: Rapid Learning, Blank, Mental Barrier, Sanctity of The Mind, Trumped the Trump, Powered Sustenance, Who Wants to Live Forever?, Immortality Failsafe, Only A Sith Deals in Absolutes, Noctis Cape, Fan Service, Invictus, Well-Adjusted, Patience of a Saint, Natural Leader, Cover Story, 'Plot' Armor, Thematic, Manton Protected, Homecoming, Resume, Holding Back, Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative, Peaceful Life, World Clean, Serendipitous Luck, Sixth Sense, Charismatic Aura, Humanity, Golden Perks,

Drawbacks: Wanted (Local): x4 (E88, ABB, Coil, Merchants), Wanted (Global): x4 (PRT, CUI, Gesellschaft, Cauldron), CUI Summer Camp, Poor, Slaughterhouse 8, Endbringer Target, Lightweight, Orphaned, Homeless, Trouble Magnet, Child of Fate

Shard: Shardless

Powers: Master (Animals), Blaster: (Deadshot), Striker (Optimal), Stranger/Mover: (Stealth Mode), Stranger (Strange Blood), Perfect Condition, Flowmotion, Wifi, Old Magic (Type-Moon): x1 (Primordial Runes), True Magic (Type-Moon): x1 (Kaleidoscope), Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (Type-Moon), Chakra (Naruto), Inspired Inventor (Worm CYOA v1), Cyberpunk 2077 (Cyberpunk), Multiversal Marketplace, Unlimited Utility Works

Fusions & Upgrades: Uzumaki (Naruto), Sage Mode (Naruto), Slug of the Sannin (Naruto), Six Paths Senjutsu (Naruto)

Equipment & Items: Smartphone, Bingo Book, Emulator, Comprehensive Media


Author's Note:

Like I mentioned, this build is not optimized but it's what I'm going with since I don't want to spend so much time on it.

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