The Tundra

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As Akuma's pod crashed down into the cold, tundra planet, the infant could only look around inside his pod, and the little window on top. Outside the pod, stood 2 Frieza Force soldiers.

Soldier 1:"So the boss said to keep an eye on the runt until he makes it here?" The soldied questions.

Soldier 2: "Yeah, it's gonna be a couple of days though, since he just got caught up with Planet Vegeta and everything." The soldier would reply.

Soldier 1: "Okay, that shouldn't be too hard, after all we're just babysitting.. right..?"

Soldier 1: "We just have to keep it away from full moons, otherwise they turn into Great Apes."

Soldier 2 sighs before replying.

Soldier 2: "Doesn't sound too hard."

The soldiers opened the pod up Akuma's pod, seeing the infant inside. They carefully grabbed him out of the pod and held him.

Soldier 1: "Well we need some shelter.. better get the tent ready."

Soldier 2: "Fair point, it's getting dark out."

The following night, they set up camp and light a fire, Akuma is asleep under the tent of course for precaution.

Soldier 1: "Look at em.

Asleep just like that. Usually saiyan kids are.. wild to say the least."

Soldier 2: "Is that all you talk about? That child?"

Akuma would wake up and slowly walk out the tent, and walking outside and sitting.

Soldier 1: "Gods, he's up.. whatever he does, make sure he doesn't look at the moon."

Akuma for some reason, being an idiot looks at the moon and suddenly freezes, his eyes widening like he saw a ghost as he shakes rapidly

Soldier 2: "Damn it! It's happening!"

Soldier 1: "We should've brought him in the ship!"

Soldier 2: "You dumbass! We could've done that the whole time!"

Suddenly Akuma began to grow and grow, his facial features slowly turning into that of an Oozaru. And then, he was it. A great ape, in all it's glory.

Soldier 1: "Hide in the ship! Hide in the ship!"

He repeats as he urged the other soldier.

Soldier 2: "Too risky! It'll find us eventually and destroy the ship!"

The soldiers panicked, before one of them found a cave to hide in for the night.

Akuma couldn't fit inside, as he barely reached for them, before roaring and running away.

Soldier 2: "Damn it! Frieza's gonna kill us! We lost the kid!"

Soldier 1: "Oh no.. he pulled it to his arrival being tomorrow!"

Soldier 2: "Ohgodohgodohgod!"

Soldier 1: "Stop panicking! Surely he'll understand and let us go with just a punishment.. hopefully."

The next morning, the two impatiently tapped their feet waiting for Frieza's arrival.

His ship suddenly landed down and opened the hatch as the leader walked out.

Frieza: "So, you two still have the monkey boy, right?"

Soldier 1: "Well sir, uh.. we kinda lost the child.."

Soldier 2 ran into his ship from before and tried to fly away. Before he left orbit, Frieza fired a Ki Blast, blowing up the flying ship.

Frieza: "Guess that means you'll join him."

Without warning, he fires a ki blast piercing his head, the soldier drops down pale and dead.

Frieza: "Where is that little runt..." he used his scouter to find the child. "ah hah! There it is! Back in its little monkey pod.."

Frieza floats towards the pod and holds the child by the tail.

"You will be a fine addition for my force, monkey."

(End of chapter, no spoilers but next chapter will be a biiiiig timeskip)

Dragon Ball AU: Akuma The WandererWhere stories live. Discover now