Chapter Six

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Anakin didn't understand the warm feeling settling in his chest. He wanted to blurt out his thoughts about her Force abilities but stopped himself. The repulsorlift was moving too slowly for his liking, and his left leg began to bounce impatiently on the metallic floor. As the elevator descended, Coruscant's sun dipped behind the towering buildings, casting long shadows over Anakin.

He was surprised to see a Senator and Princess in what appeared to be training clothes. He wondered how skilled she truly was in combat and made a mental note to ask her about it later.

Anakin's feet carried him to the Jedi Starfighter borrowed from the Temple, and he flew towards his destination. Though he was eager to attend the dinner, he groaned at the thought of his upcoming mission. Ahsoka would not be pleased. He and the Togruta had a close bond, and he understood her need for a break. Sometimes, he earned injuries just to get some rest. Living on ration bars and three hours of sleep was not sustainable.

The Temple came into view. Despite the shouts of drivers urging him to slow down, Anakin ignored them, hoping the Jedi Council would finish with him quickly so he could discuss Varya's invitation with Ahsoka.

Varya intrigued him. Coming from an isolated planet in the Mid Rim, she had joined a foreign Senate with different laws and successfully elevated her kingdom's status as a key contributor to the war effort. Unlike Padmé, Anakin didn't support the Senate's decision to implement the military enhancement bill. He was surrounded by clones, and one of his closest friends was Rex. Anakin knew how close the clones were to each other—brothers condemned to a war that wasn't theirs. Droids lacked emotions and simply perished, but clones grieved. Expanding the army under the pretense of winning the war felt wrong.

No progress was evident. For every system liberated, another was lost. Worse still, the Jedi had become warriors and generals. They were supposed to be protectors of peace, but what peace could be protected while they were embroiled in war?

Anakin stood before the door he had faced so many times in his life. The red carpet beneath his feet was soft, and he almost wished to lie down right there.

The door opened, pulling him from his thoughts. The Jedi Council was discussing among themselves, barely acknowledging his presence. He stopped in the center of the room and met Master Mace Windu's gaze. He secretly hoped the Master could sense his frustration.

"To Senator Elidar, spoken have you?" Yoda asked, his green eyes fixed on Anakin.

"Yes. Unfortunately, her response was negative and reminded us of the conditions for her joining the Republic," Anakin explained, standing straight with his hands clasped behind his back.

Windu pondered, his fingers on his chin. "Her reluctance is concerning. Did she give a reason?"

"Not a clear one. She seemed...angry that I had asked her."

"Interesting, that is. Leave, you may."

Anakin seized the opportunity and quickly left the room.


The presence of the guards was both reassuring and exhausting. Varya rubbed her temples, trying to ignore the three guards stationed at the entrance hall, who pretended not to watch her. When one of them glanced her way, she snapped at them to leave. They didn't budge. Frustrated, she ordered them again to go away.

"We have strict orders to not leave your side at any time, my lady," one of them, a young blonde man with a deep voice, explained.

"I don't care. I want to be alone for the rest of the day."

Despite her threats, the guards remained steadfast. Eventually, their armors disappeared from her view, and Varya breathed deeply, collapsing onto the couch. She heard Morilan rummaging through her clothes in the bedroom. Varya closed her eyes, wishing she could rest more despite her already ample sleep.

Morilan stopped arranging clothes, and Varya noticed light footsteps approaching. Something felt off when the steps kept faltering. Before Morilan could enter the room, Varya sprang up from the couch and hid behind a wall. She peeked over her shoulder as Morilan appeared in the hallway, her blaster gripped firmly in her long fingers.

I liked her, Varya thought, gripping the lightsaber at her belt. Morilan relaxed when she didn't see Varya in the room.

"What are you trying to do, Morilan?" Varya's voice cut through the tension, and her lightsaber hummed softly with a white glow against the purple carpet.

Morilan did not respond. She stiffened, raising the blaster and aiming at Varya's chest. She fired quickly, but Varya was faster. The blade of her lightsaber deflected the blast into the wall beside Morilan's head. Morilan flinched but did not back down.

"Morilan, this is ridiculous! Put the blaster down!" Sweat trickled down Varya's neck as she searched for a way to subdue Morilan without causing fatal harm.

Why did I send those guards downstairs? Varya regretted her impulsiveness.

"Morilan, I warn you."

If she moved swiftly across the room, she might disarm Morilan and then call for her guards.

The Twi'lek moved around the couch to Varya's right, her mesmerizing eyes locked onto Varya's. The princess remained still, following her with her gaze. The Force flowed through her effortlessly, and she could sense the exact moment Morilan would fire again.

The blast struck the floor where Varya had been standing, and she used the Force to push Morilan into the wall behind her. Morilan's head hit the wall with a thud, and the blaster fell from her hand. Varya grabbed it, but Morilan yanked her hair and threw her backward. Varya caught Morilan's foot and yanked it sharply. Morilan attempted to kick Varya in the face, but Varya ducked and pinned her down.

Varya landed a punch on Morilan's face, blood seeping from her mouth and nose. After several blows, Morilan lay unconscious on the now red carpet.

Varya stood, retrieved her lightsaber, and kicked the blaster across the room. She pressed a hidden button on one of the small tables, and guards burst through the doors.

"Announce this to the Jedi Council," Varya instructed, showing them Morilan's body.

"Should we send a medical droid, my lady?" one guard asked, picking up the blaster.

"Yes, please. Thank you."

Varya was unharmed except for a few minor scratches. She traced her fingers over the cuts, applying some bacta spray to ease the sting.

She lay down on the bed and waited until she heard Padmé's concerned voice echoing through the apartment. Soon, Padmé was by her side, holding her hand tightly.

"Are you alright?" Padmé's voice was filled with worry, and her eyes held a kind of love Varya had been missing: motherly affection.

"Yeah, the adrenaline is wearing off, but I'll be fine."

A medical droid entered, treated Varya's wound with bacta, and then left. After giving some minor injury instructions, Padmé and Varya were left alone.

"Anakin arrived earlier. He took Morilan," Padmé said, and Varya nodded, wishing she could have seen him. "He asked if the dinner invitation still stands." Both women laughed.

"You can go. I'll be fine," Varya said, feeling unsure of what else to say. She was used to dealing with injuries alone, with no moral support or encouragement from Meike.

"Absolutely not," Padmé protested, lying down next to Varya and holding her in her arms, stroking her light brown hair. "You need me, Varya, and I plan to stay here as long as you need me." She raised an eyebrow. "Actually, until tomorrow morning. I have a meeting."

Varya chuckled nervously and rested her head on Padmé's lap. "Thank you," she murmured before falling asleep.

The sudden affection overwhelmed Varya. She didn't want to seem overly eager, but she appreciated it deeply. Padmé felt like an older sister to her, and she loved her for it.

She just hoped Padmé wouldn't leave.

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