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You can skip ahead to the actual chapters if you want; the forward is never important to the rest of any book anyways.

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This story started probably around 40,000 feet in the air. I was bored of watching movies on a tiny, robust screen strapped to the seat of the person in front of me, listening to compressed audio through complementary wired earbuds of such poor quality I wouldn't hand them out for free, even if the steward who passed them to me was doing just that. Smack dab in the middle of a 14-hour trans-Atlantic flight home, and having traveled for 8 hours off the plane already, I was tired. Unfortunately, my circadian rhythms weren't disrupted enough to align with the airliner's arbitrary on-board definition of night and day, so I was stuck without much to do.

This was about the time when I, drowsy and incapable of serious cognitive thought, came upon one marvelous idea on how to entertain myself and bide the time on my flight until I succumbed to sleep: write Minecraft fiction.

This was a horrible idea.

I started writing this for my own entertainment, and in part because I was looking for a creative outlet. I also wanted to challenge myself and attempt a genre and style of writing almost entirely foreign to me and my tastes. In addition to all of these facts, I have also never posted my writing anywhere online, nor have I written much for my own enjoyment at all. I have only ever read to completion a singular fan-fiction, and skimmed several while trying to gauge the user-base for this website. It is for these reasons that I've chosen to use this forward as some sort of forewarning to any and all that actually read this.

I do not believe that what I have created will be very popular or be enjoyed by many people.

I do not intend to write on a regular schedule, and I may never finish this.

I'll probably delete this and my profile after I feel stupid for putting it up.

I may take creative liberty in interpreting Minecraft's mechanics and gameplay.

I would love to hear input and criticism, should I choose to retain the publication of my work.

I hope you enjoy and inspire me to continue creating.

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