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The ride to the dorms was fun. You both chatted endlessly about future plans for Stray Kids and the exciting news of you joining the company. You also couldn't stop staring at how fucking hot he was driving with one hand on the steering wheel. And you're pretty sure he was playing into it too. He knew he was attractive. He knew you thought he was attractive. So he capitalized on it.

When you arrived, Jeongin helped you out of the car, like a true gentleman. He put on his mask and hat, just in case, but you didn't mind. His privacy and security was necessary.

You made your way up the building into the dorms and couldn't help the excitement bubbling up inside you when you saw how nicely he had decorated. There were flower petals and candles. And the food looked amazing. You were absolutely blown away by the effort he put in. No date you'd ever been on had cared this much. No boyfriend either for that matter.

“Jeongin, this is incredible!”

He helped you to your seat and slid it in for you, then took his own. “I hope you like it.”

“How could I not? This looks amazing. But uh! Where are the others?”

Jeongin laughed, almost victoriously. “I kicked them out. They're at the other dorm. They wanted to stay, but no. Not happening.”

You raised an eyebrow. “Why? You don't want the others getting in the way of you romancing me?”

“AahHh~ No! It's hard enough over text. Please not in person too!”

You cackled evilly. “I'm sorry, you're just super cute when you're flustered.”

“Please-” he hid his face, although his red ears were a dead giveaway. “I can't take it.”


The evening went wonderfully. You found out you actually had a lot in common with him. You both liked a lot of the same things, and where you didn't, it felt totally fine. It was refreshing to say the least.

“Thank you, that was literally so incredible. Can I help clean up?” He stood quickly.

“No no! You'll ruin your dress. Felix said he'd help when he got back. Please, this was my treat.” 

You nodded, feeling all kinds of bad. You didn't like the fact he did everything but you couldn't pitch in. So you came up with an idea.

“Well, maybe then next time we could cook together?” You weren't completely convinced it was appropriate to ask for a second date, but you thought you'd try anyway.

Jeongin lit up at the thought. “Really? You want to come back?”

This guy really didn't seem to realize who he was. “Obvioisly. I just had one of the most amazing dates I've ever had. I'm not about to just be like ‘thanks for the meal, bye cya!’ you goober.” You shrugged. “And, y'know, you're probably the hottest date I've ever had. Plus you're super fun to hangout with.”

“Oh, yeah?” He quirked an eyebrow at you.

Oh shit! Not what you expected. Abort abort!

He approached you, and you couldn't help but feel intimidated. His sharp features made his gaze intense. You got up and backed away to the counter, but he followed, putting his hands on either side of you to box you in.

“You've been calling me cute a lot, but I like it when you say I'm sexy or hot. Maybe-” he seemed nervous all of a sudden. Like all his confidence washed away in an instant when he made eye contact. “What if I-” his hand raised, just hovering over your cheek, trying to figure out how to get what he wanted. It was like he was searching your eyes for the answers. “Can I kiss you?”

Painfully Together - Yang Jeongin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now