Chapter I - A new beginning

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As soon as she put her foot on the white cobblestones of the harbor, she felt a sense of relief , as if the weight of the past had remained on the boat from which she had just disembarked, her long curls were moved by the light sea breeze that blew, the noise of the seagulls and the crowd were only a muffled noise, her gaze wandered, she let out a sigh and smiled, unaware of the adventures that would await in the Region of Fontaine.

Fontaine was gargantuan and clean, pretty different from what she was used to in Italy, with the heavy luggage and a more light heart, she headed to Palais Mermonia, hoping that some worker could her and give her some piece of advice regarding her stay.

"so here we are.." said the Helen, this was her first trip completely alone, moreover in a completely different Region, and light years away from her homeland, she was unaware that an encounter would change her life forever.

She would stay in Fontaine for a while as her studies proceeded smoothly, and she would proceed to study anyway even if she was on "holiday". She nervously touched her curls as she crossed the doorway to the central Hall with unsteady steps, he high, ornate ceiling taking her breath away. There she headed to speak to the receptionist, when suddenly a melusine ran into her: "hi, are you new here?" the melusine asked her curiously, Helena looked at her visibly confused and said: "yes actually would you be so kind to-" She wasn't able to finish talking because the melusine stopped her, she mistook her for a new coworker, so she gave her an enormous amount of paperwork: "very good! can you please fetch these to Monsieur Neuvillette? thank you in advance!" Helen did not even have time to react, that the purple-hued melusin disappeared into the crowd, leaving her at a loss of words. "who is Neuvillette? what can I do now? where do i have to go? and where do I leave my luggage?" a series of thoughts crowded her mind, but instead of asking someone to help her, she put the papework on her luggage and headed to the elvator.

She immediately realized that something was wrong when in the elevator, she only saw people well dressed in blue uniforms, they probably worked for the Marechausee spectre. and gazed at her, checking her out and confused as well.

Once she reached the floor, she found herself crossing a marble white bridge, she paused for a moment to admire the mountains that silhouetted in the distance, "what a beautiful sight." she thought, "almost a landscape of a mathematical sublime," she said as her gaze followed the shape of the mountains, her state of trance was interrupted violently by a seagull that flew over her. "better if i hurry or it will be a disaster with the check-in at the Hotel." So she reached the palace and entered looking for the reception: "Good morning, I'm Sedene," she was greeted by a teal melusine sitting on the other side of the small room, so short that she used a stool to reach the counter, she stared confidently at the curly-haired young woman, "If you're lost turn back, some rooms here are restricted access." then her glance fell on the pile of papers in Helen's hands "mh, what are those papers?" he asked " they are for Sir Neuvillette, they were given to me by a melusin, that's all I know" Helen admitted, more confused than before.

"mh, you don't look like a member of the Spectre to be never mind, I can't take these papers at the moment, would you please take them to him?"" said Sedene and then disappeared among the piles of papers, completely ignoring the girl's desperate face.

Helen looked around, and asked where this Neuvillette's office was located. once found, she knocked on the door and entered.What must have been his office was huge, opulent and filled with books, the ceiling was high and the windows were covered with curtains that filtered most of the sunbeams.

The cleat of her mary jane heels echoed on the floor, Neuvillette raised his gaze in order to see the origin of that sound. what he saw in front of him a young woman, she was short and small, with long curly brown hair that framed her face and fell down her back, a face that was also small and delicate, pale skin, in which her jade green eyes stood out, thoughtful, he paused to look at her with his icy eyes for a few seconds, and then, with his motionless expression said: "Good morning, if you would like an interview please speak with the secretary, you are not allowed to enter without previously agreeing to an appointment," he said, Helen was astonished, Neuvillette was a majestic man with a sculpted face, pale complexion, indigo eyes and long white hair that was styled perfectly, the long blue tunic fit impeccably, Helena felt her heart beat faster, something about the man had definitely struck her.

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