We're all at Stake

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Once we got to school, I hesitantly stepped out of my grandpa's car, my sight roaming around the crowded scenery. Deep down, I was hoping to stumble upon a familiar face, but with no luck, unfortunately. So I took a deep breath and turned back to face my grandpa.

"Have a good day today, alright?" he said, getting ready to reverse the car and leave.

"Yes, sir", I blandly responded.

My grandpa nodded with a smile, then I slammed the old car's door, watching it slowly disappear into the distance. I turned around once more, as I was about to make my way into the school. But I could already notice pairs of eyes glued onto me, for some reason. Well, they must be thinking, what's this weirdo doing here, just spinning around in front of the school on her own. I softly shook my head and looked down, trying my best to go unnoticed as I get inside.

In the main hall, which by the way, was quite small for a main hall... I checked my timetable and looked around for the right classroom. My first period was going to be algebra; not exactly my favorite, but I can't complain either. I've been holding up pretty good so far, regarding maths and science. I've always been more of a realist girl, although my artistic nature is always trying to surface from time to time. I love books and poetry, I love music and visual arts. I think art is a secret language that not everyone can understand. But you can really feel it when you're spiritually open to it.

"Woah", I hear someone say and snap back to reality, as I feel a slight push on my shoulder. Did I seriously just bump into someone...

"I'm sorry", I quickly say and look up, to be able to see whom I'm talking to. It was a tall boy, with hazel eyes and a bleached buzz cut. Oh well, I guess the town may be boring and small, but not everyone is boring and small looking here.

"It's fine", he smiled. "Are you new?"

"I am, actually", I awkwardly replied, as I felt the atmosphere cooling down. "Do you know where the algebra class takes place?", I asked, as I pulled out my timetable once again. He took a quick glance at the paper in my hand and excitedly said:

"Oh, we're gonna be classmates! Yeah, I do know where it takes place, follow me."

I shyly nodded and started following the tall, blond boy through the dark hallways of the school. At least I have company now, I thought to myself, as I anxiously checked for stares around me again; but there were none in sight, so I took a quick deep breath, only for myself to notice. It didn't take long till we got to our classroom, as the school was relatively small.

"I'm Broghan, by the way", he turned to me and stated, as we were about to enter the room.

"I'm Blair", I replied, looking back up into his eyes. His smile widened, so I quickly looked away, giggling to myself.

"That's a pretty name", he added, as he invited me into the classroom. I started looking around for a free seat, there were plenty. I think people weren't too excited for the first day of school in Sigswood. I can't really blame them, because neither was I. 

"You can sit next to me", I heard Broghan say from behind me. I turned around to him with a grimace, which he probably took the wrong way; I was just surprised he asked me that. "...if you want", he quickly added, with uncertainty in his tone.

"No, no, of course", I reassured him and awkwardly smiled at him. He widely smiled once again, nodding, and seating into his self designated chair. I quietly made my way to the desk next to his and started adjusting my things. My new classmates were starting to make an appearance, one by one, as the class was about to begin. Everyone looked tired and bored, overall done with everything; a very specific look for an average senior year student in a forgotten, dark town, that's just been distraught with a cold, unpredicted murder case. For a second, I wondered if I looked just the same as everyone else in this room... which I probably did, just much, much more awkward than the rest.

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