Prologue: A New Day

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Copper-9 a barren planet caught in an endless winter where the only signs of life are from the drones that live on the planet, there are only two kinds of them. Worker drones, that previously before the core's collapse only lived to work for the greedy humans that were on the planet.

The second type to these drones is disassembly drones, or as some call them "Angels of Death" or murder drones, their only purpose was to eliminate all the rouge worker drones on Copper-9. Because their parent company JCJenson didn't like rouge AI roaming around a barren planet.

Well that was their goal anyways until recently when a certain purple haired drone managed to befriend one of the disassembly drones the first one the drone met was named "N". He seemed to be the more friendly of the squad he was in maybe his programming was off? who knows.

The drone also managed to befriend another disassembly drone named "V" out of the 2 disassembly drones V the drone befriended; V was the more violent one. But V has started to mellow out more as she continues to hang out with the two. Oh! The drone has also met one more drone.

The third disassembly drone she met was "J" and well. Let's just say that she's no longer here. Well, at least not in one piece. She's still alive, just repairing VERY slowly in the space pod the three disassembly drones landed in, and with barely any oil. It'll take a bit for her to heal.

Now what is this purple haired drone's name? Her name is Uzi Doorman, her father was the "creator" of the doors that kept them safe from the murder drones in the colony. The doors recently have been made useless considering what happened when the murder drones managed to break in after Uzi had been outside of the colony ton get a part for her. Gun.

But she isn't the focus of this story, another drone is. The drone's name is Emily B-



Emily woke up from her sleep as she grabbed at her head groaning a bit, before remembering that the camp trip was today. So, getting up from her bed as she got ready for her day ahead, she kept on thinking about if she'd see N there. Because to be fair, he was pretty adorable. Cute even, but before she could think about of him anymore, she slapped herself to snap out not her crushing for a murder drone and focus of getting ready for today.

After she had gotten ready for today, she picked up her book she was going to bring with her on the trip and got her bag. They'd be there for a few days, so. Now finally ready for the trip ahead, she looked at her door before looking back at her home. She lives alone after her parents had. Died, she knows who did it. It was that drone J. But she didn't need to focus on that right now, so looking back at the front door she opened it and walked out of her house and walked to her class.


J had been regenerating, slowly but surely. Soon, she'd get out of these restraints and disassemble those two. Those two damn traitors, she expected N to go against the company. But V? No, she still didn't believe she'd betray the company even to this day, whether it be a slither of hope or just cope to get out of this without being influenced to betray the company.

Speaking of V, she walked into the pod and looked down at J, her ex-squad leader. God, she's seen better days. But another few days or so and she'd regenerate, but V was here for one reason and one thing only. To "convince" J to join her and N, she knew her way with words so this should be easy to her.

"So, J. Me and N are going to be "camp consolers" at a worker drone camp trip, or that's what Uzi wants them to believe. Look, I hate seeing you like this. So, I'll cut you a little. "deal" ok?"

A deal? What does V think J is, stupid? But then again, it's better than being in pain and locked up. J is barely able to speak, but just enough to get a few words out.

"W..What's the...Deal?"

J says as she feels a bit of striking pain every time she speaks, ugh. She hates this, if that damn toaster didn't blast her head off, she'd be a LOT better and feel a lot better too.

V looked at her with a bit of a sympathetic look, J was a bitch yeah. But she's still cared about her, she was still her squamate after all. So, removing the restraints Uzi had put on J she started to explain the deal.

"Ok, so. I already got Uzi and N to agree with me on this, and we can't watch an entire camp by ourselves while Uzi. Does her thing or whatever the hell she's doing, so since you're the only one out of the three of us that HAS the skills to do it. We want you to help us, and before you say anything. If you don't betray us while we're there, then you can start being..Not so damaged again. Ok?"

V says this final line as she gets off the final bit of rope off of J, as she waited for J to give her an answer. She was a bit, nervous. Because if J didn't agree, then she would have to. Kill her off. Permeantly, because at that point it'd be only a matter of time before J went on a rampage. And to be honest she really didn't want to kill J, at ALL.

As V was having a crisis in her mind J was thinking about the offer, on one hand she'd get her freedom back and I mean. It's, JUST watching over worker drones! That'd be extremely easy to do...

But on the other hand, she'd be going against the company. And God forbid she did that. But no one had come to help her, hell. Nobody has even been SENT to rescue her, even after all her attempts to contact someone. Even after all of that nobody came.

So begrudgingly, without any hope of the company coming to save her and honestly reliving to V she agreed to the deal, not because she wanted to..Ok maybe just a little bit, but not fully. But because she wanted to actually move around and not be stuck in one place all day. She was definitely going to have trauma after this...

After V had given her some oil she had been collect, J had fully repaired. She'd need to get new clothes because hers were all. Ashy and damaged, luckily V had brought the outfit she'd be wearing as a counselor to the camp, so while V looked away J had gotten dressed in that.

"...I'm not doing this because I want to ok. I'm just tired of being half dead. Got it?"

J said to V still salty about what has happened to her, as V rolled her eyes a bit and smiled. V had missed this.

"Mhm alright."

She says as V walked over to J giving her a hug before pulling away.

"I missed you..And no, not in that kinda way."

J lightly blsuhed as V hugged her before regaining her composure as she stood tall and proud

"Missed you too, idiot."

The two then began laughing a bit, like they were old friends telling each other a bad joke.


Hey! Goku here! thanks for reading this little snippet of the story! I hope you enjoyed it, if you want to ask any questions. Don't be afraid to ask!

 Don't be afraid to ask!

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Anyways, see ya later!

1333 words.

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