Chapter 1: Field Trip :D

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As the bus rolled into the Camp, Emily stayed put in her seat as she was reading her book. A guide of sorts that helps when you're in a horror movie situation..At least that's what she thought it was.

The bus came to a very bumpy halt as they arrived at the camp, as everyone got out of the bus and one of Emily's classmate Darren threw a football at the back of her head, causing her to trip and bump into another classmate called Sam, while also dropping her book on the ground. Quickly she picked it back up and yelled a bit at Darren as he walked past her with his girlfriend Rebecca. As Emily picked up her book and started to walk again, Sam got shoved back into the snow by Braiden. Somehow his head wasn't on fire today.

As some of her classmates got in one area, Braiden asked the teacher why exactly they were here, the teacher said it was..Uzi's idea? Uh, who was she again? Emily couldn't remember until the purple drone seemingly to her appeared and started speaking, Emily made the sign of the cross. That scared her a bit, as Uzi was saying how she wanted to come alone but the teacher was upset at their test scores so that's why they're here...

Probably because of the popular kids if Emily could take a guess, because theres no way she'd fail anything..As she wondered what they'd do now since they were here. Three very familiar disassembly drones landed in front of them, there was N. She wasn't really scared of him all that much, then there was V. Ok that did give her a little scare but I mean. It's not like the other one was here-

That's when she realized a familiar pig tailed drone was here, oh. That's the one who killed her family.....Internally she started to freak out a bit and zoned out not paying attention as J, being the strict person she is yanked the clipboard away from N as she started to call out the names of the students to attempt a rollcall. It wasn't until V maybe killed one of them (he wasn't really important anyways) that everyone scared by the fear of death started to actually listen.

As Emily's name was called out she snapped back  reality as J finished saying her name, Emily couldn't answer. Her flight or fight sensors were going bonkers, J groaned a bit as she again. Called her name out louder because she thought the drone didn't hear her. Emily did hear her, she was just too afraid to answer.

J sighed again before calling her name a THIRD time, this was getting very annoying. Yet again, Emily didn't answer. At this point J was just about to kill her- before N walked over to Emily to see if she was ok, because ever the kind soul he is to do so.

"Hey, you doing alright buddy?" N said with a bit of a worried expression on his face as he looked at Emily's scared face. Emily feeling the tiniest better by having N there shook her head a bit as N sighed before turning back to the other two disassembly drones and walking over to them and asking them to take the campers to their bunks while he had a talk with Emily, J and V agreed to this and got the other campers to their bunks while N stayed behind to Emily, as Uzi had already left to go find some answers about her solver powers.

"Do you wanna tell me what's wrong? You know you can talk to me right?" N said as he knelt down to Emily's height so he could talk to her clearer. Emily nodded, still a bit afraid of him and still a bit flashbanged from seeing J earlier.

"It's...It's about one of your friends.." She said finally getting the courage to speak up, N looked a bit worried. What could have happened now? N pats Emily on the shoulder as he began to ask her a question or two

"Do you mind telling me which one? I think it'd help a bit if I knew so I can help you more." N says to her as Emily started to calm down from what happened, having N pat her on the shoulder like this felt. Comforting. But she couldn't dwell on that right now, she had to at least tell N which friend of his it was.

"Um..The pig tailed one, she..She..." Emily started to cry a bit as she remembered what had happened to her once again, her parents murder. Not even just her parents but her entire family, murdered while she somehow lived..Why...Why was she the one to live?...She didn't know, and she didn't want to think about it anymore. But it was kinda hard considering what had happened.

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