What Comes Next? // Chap. 101

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Skye's POV:

Next week came by so quickly and I was dreading meeting with Dean. Even right now, standing in front of his apartment... I still don't know why I let Roman and Seth set this up for me. I rang the doorbell and a part of me was tempted to just walk away. 

As I was contemplating my next steps of potentially running away, the door in front of me opened. 

I looked up and saw him. After 6 months, his hair grew out a bit and became more fluffy looking. Aside from that, he looked exactly the same. He became a bit more buff, but nonetheless, he was still my Dean. We stared at each other and I could feel my heart beating so fast. It's crazy how he still has this effect on me...

We stared at each other for a few seconds until he cleared his throat. 

"Skye! Hey. Come in." Dean said as he let me in. "Feel free to take a seat on the couch! I'll grab you a water." He said as I nodded. 

"Thank you." I said after he brought me the water. He sat opposite me on the couch. 

"So, how have you been?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence. 

"I've been better... How have you been?" I replied shortly.

"I'm doing ok I suppose." He replied. 

Silence once again filled the room and I found myself fiddling with my fingers. It was strange for Dean and I to be like this. Even during our moments of dislike for each other, we still had some sort of banter going on. This was just complete utter silence, like we both were trying to figure each other out. It was almost as if we each were figuring out how to start the conversation with each other. 

"This is really weird to be honest." I said after some time.

"Yeah...This isn't us Skye. We aren't supposed to be awkward with each other." Dean said in response as he lightly chuckled. 

"It's hard to not be awkward with you Dean especially after you basically ignored my messages a few months ago. What happened to keeping in contact with each other?" I questioned as I looked into his eyes. 

"I'm...sorry about that Skye. If I'm being completely honest with you, I wasn't over you...not one bit. I knew that if I kept in contact with you that often, that I would end up quitting and come back. I wanted to fully adjust to my move and the only way that I could do that, was to distance myself from you even if it meant hurting you in the process." He explained as he fiddled with his fingers.

"Dean... You could've talked to me instead of ignoring me. Do you know how many nights I spent crying and wishing you would at least even contact me once? It took months for me to adjust to my life without you and even now, I'm still struggling by myself. We had a lot of history with each other and it just really upset me how fast you cut off contact with me. I never in a million years would've expected you to do that to me. On top of all that, I find out through Seth and Roman that you're now seeing someone new? I'm well aware that we are on a break and you are entitled to see whoever you want like we said, but it really hurt me that you clearly didn't even care enough to tell me yourself. You may have forgotten because it's been a while since you've been told, but I'm still your wife and I still love you Dean..." I spilled out as he looked at me.

He pulled me into a hug and I instantly melted in his arms. I hate the effect he has on me truly... I really hated to admit it, but it felt nice being in his arms after so long. It still felt like home, my place of comfort.

After a few seconds of us embracing, he let me go and sighed. I scooted back to the spot next to him.

"Skye, I'm truly so sorry for putting you through that. You definitely do not deserve that and I'm an absolute asshole for doing that to you. To explain, I did try to see someone after you, but I stopped seeing her after a few dates because she wasn't you. I tried to move on and forget you, but everywhere I looked, all I could see and think about was you. It felt uncomfortable for me to around someone who wasn't you. You know I could never forget that you're my wife. When I said those vows, I meant every single word I said then and I still do now. You are still the one person that I care about the most and that'll never change. I'm so sorry for being a coward and pushing you away when all I wanted was for you to be closer to me. If I could turn back time and do it again, I would've done it differently Skye. Please trust me. I truly wanted nothing more than to have you be my side again." Dean said as he held my hands.

"Thank you for explaining that Dean, I really appreciate being able to hear that from you after all this time. You are someone that I value so much and I never not want to be around you. So where does this leave us now?" I questioned quietly.

"What do you want us to be Skye? I'm ok with whatever your call is. I understand if you want us to stop and move on after everything I put you through." Dean stated. 

"I would like to make this work again. Truly, these last few months without you have been so hard on me mentally and I've been trying really hard to push through with my matches. I just want you again Dean." I said as he pulled me into his lap.

"Baby, I've been dying to hear you say that again. If you are willing to try and make this long distance thing work, then so am I. I'm willing to do whatever it takes my love." Dean said as we hugged.

"You know I still love you right?" I said as he chuckled.

"And I love you baby. So much that it fucking hurts to breathe." He replied as I laughed. 

"Now that that's settled, I know two brothers of yours that'll love to hear this news. Unfortunately, we also have to announce this to the public." I told him as he rolled his eyes.

"We can deal with Roman, Seth, and the public tomorrow. For now, I just want to hold you in my arms." He said as he tightened his grip on me. I ran my hands through his hair as we hugged in a now more comfortable silence. 

After months of being apart, Dean and I were finally trying to make things work again. I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The next battle we have to face is long distance. 

I've never really been in long distance relationship like this, so this is all new to me. I truly hope that Dean and I will be able to make this work. I don't know where to go from here if it doesn't work out...


happy update day! as mentioned in the last chapter, i am trying to update whenever i can/feel like it. i haven't really been watching the wwe as much anymore as compared to the past so writing definitely is not as easy as before.

thank you to everyone who has been here since the beginning and are still reading i found you as well as all my other books. 

see you in the next update! thanks again!!

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