Episode 1 - Pilot

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Enchanted Forest ~28 years past ~

Seven dwarves surround a glass coffin mourning the loss of their friend; Snow White. When suddenly you hear a horse approaching them at top speed. It appears to be Prince Charming, as he arrives at the the foot of the coffin when one of the dwarfs speaks up solemnly saying, "you're too late. "

The prince huffs saying, "No." before approaching the head of the coffin stopping to look at his true love's face.

"Open it." The prince demands.

One of the dwarves gives him a annoyed and sad look saying, "I'm sorry. She's gone."

The prince looks up at the dwarf asks with teary eyes, "At least let me say goodbye. Please."

The dwarf sighs before lifting the glass coffin open, revealing the body of the recently deceased princess. The prince looks at her with teary eyes before leaning down at giving her one last kiss. He pulls back feeling a wave of magic surround them, suddenly Snow white wakes up with a loud gasp. she's breathing heavily before looking over at her prince charming putting a hand on his face.

"You... You found me." the princess says smiling at the prince.

"Did you ever doubt I would?" Her responses with a chuckle and equally large smile. "Truthfully?"

Snow sits up in he coffin before answering with a small smile, "The glass coffin gave me a pause."

"You never have to worry. I will always find you," he says as he's pushing back he hair. 

"Do you promise?"


Enchanted Forest ~ Days later at their wedding ~

"I do."

The priest looks over at Snow White, "And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband and love him for all eternity?"

Snow looks to her prince charming smiling. "I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wide." The two smile as they hear the applause of the crowd celebrating their union. Just as they were about to kiss the doors fly open revealing the Evil Queen smirking.

"Sorry I'm late." She starts approaching the two as she tossing the royal guard aside. A dwarf from the crowd quickly approaches the two.

"It's the Queen. Run!"

Before either of them have time to respond, Snow reaches for Charming's sword before quickly turning to the queen. 

"She's not a queen anymore...She's nothing more than an evil witch!" 

The prince grabs his loves shoulder, "No stop. Do not stoop down to her level. There's no need..." he then turns to the queen. "You're wasting your time, you've already lost."

Charming pushes snow behind himself, "And I will NOT let you ruin this wedding!"

The queen scuffs before answering in a mocking tone, "Oh, no I haven't come here to ruin anything. on the contrary, dear," a sinister smile appears on her face, "I've come here to give you a gift."

Snow speaks up yelling, "We want nothing from you."

"But you shall have it." The queen snaps back walking around the crowd, "My gift to you is this happy, happy day. For tomorrow my real work begins." she stop in front of the two before continuing. "You've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love..." she turns to the crowd once again.

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