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-Week Later-

It's honestly been so relaxing being here. Not stressful just amazing. Yes, Zayn and I are still at 'it'. Right now, we're still laying in bed but the pup keeps nudging my stomach. "He's acting weird." I said laughing. "I wonder why he's doing that." Said Zayn. I tried putting him back on my chest but he'd go back to stomach and bark lightly which I found cute.

-Week Later-

I've gotten sick twice in the last week and now we're going to the doctors here in Rio. I just had my check up so I'm waiting for my quick results. "Well it looks like you're pregnant." He said and my eyes widened. "It's yours, I swear." I said turning to Zayn and he chuckled. "How long has she been pregnant?" Asked Zayn. "About a week." He said. "Oh my God. Thank you." I said. "No problem. You guys are free to go. Congratulations." He said before walking out. We hugged. "Wow." I said. "This is such an amazing feeling." He said. "It really is." I said still in shock. I pulled my phone out and dialed Liam's number. "Hey." He answered. "Hey. Can you gather everyone up and be at my house tomorrow? I'm coming home." I said. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "Everything's perfect. I'm just coming home and I want all of you to be the first people I get greeted by." I said and he agreed. I called my mom afterwards then Zayn called his mom too. We didn't gave anything out, we just told them to be ready for us.

-Next Day (Saturday)-

We're finally back home. We got into the house as I fixed Hudson in my arms. Everyone was in the living room and screamed which scared my pup. "Guys, you're scaring my babe." I said calming Hudson. Niall ran to me and took Hudson away. After exchanging hugs, which took a while, we sat down. "Where'd you guys go?" Asked Harry. "We went to this house on the beach." Answered Zayn. "What'd you guys do?" Asked Safaa. "We went to this gorgeous waterfall and just hung around like bums." I said. "But we need to tell you guys something.." I said looking at Zayn. "Don't tell me you guys are breaking up." Said Waliyha. "No! We... we're... um... I'm pregnant.." I said and they all had wide eyes. "Is it Zayn's?" Joked Lou and we all laughed. "Yes it's his." I said. "I'm so happy! Finally I'm going to be a grandma!" Said my mom and Trish. "How far long are you?" Asked Doniya. "A week." I said. "Hate to break up this great moment, but you do realize you have to tell management." Said Liam. "Yeah." Said Zayn.

-2 Months Later-

I'm not showing much. It just looks like I've gained a couple pounds. Management didn't like it but they can go fuck themselves. No one knows we're expecting a baby but we're dropping hints. We're in Los Angeles right now, recording a couple songs. I put on a 'I think I might be pregnant' shirt with shorts. Zayn chuckled as he saw me. "C'mon." He said holding my hand. Hudson is getting bigger. I put him on a leash. He's getting training done and he's doing pretty well. We walked out and boom, paps. Didn't miss this. "Zayn! Eris! So how's life together?!" "Eris, what does your shirt mean!?" "Are you pregnant!?" They all asked at once as we got in the car. Hours later, a report came out about the shirt. Right now, we invited Liam and Sophia out to dinner. Niall is babysitting Hudson, he begged.

"So we brought you guys here to ask you for a huge favor." Said Zayn. "What is it?" Asked Sophia. "Well when the baby is born, we want to baptize it. And we wanted you two, to be the godparents." I said. "We'd be honored." Said Sophia. "Of course. I'm glad I get to be the lil fellas second pops." Said Liam. "Do you know the gender of it?" Asked Soph. "Nope. We don't want to know." I said. "What do you want Zayn?" Asked Liam. "I really don't mind. Whether it's a boy or girl, it's getting the same love." He said. "I mean we all know it's going to get spoiled by its favorite aunts sand uncles." I said. "That's true." Said Soph. "Do you think Hudson will get jealous?" She asked. "I don't know. I feel like he knows I'm pregnant. He never leaves my side and is always on my stomach as if he were protecting it." I said. "Aww it already has a companion. How adorable." Said Soph. "Baby names." Said Liam. "Jazelle or Liam." I said. "Aww you guys are sticking with those!! So cute." Sais Soph.

-2 Months Later-

I feel like after that first shirt, people didn't know what to think. Now, paps hasn't seen me and I'm showing. You can tell the bump is growing. We're currently in New York. I put on a black shirt that says, 'The Baby Wants Pizza'. Now they'll get the idea. We walked down the street hand in hand. We're going out for lunch. Paps were obviously after us. We tried our best to ignore them. We were seated and ordered. Just like the shirt says, I ordered pizza. "You haven't had mood swings yet. Kind of scared." He said and I laughed. "I only had morning sickness twice. Out in Rio." I said. "I'm excited. My moms so happy." He said. "Mine is too. Can't forget Stephanie. She keeps bragging about how she's going to spoil it." I said. "Lou's pretty excited. They all are. They're honestly going to spoil it so much." He said.

After lunch, we went to an interview. "So how's the pregnancy coming along?" Asked Tracy. "Pretty good. Haven't had any problems. Just getting more hungry and fatter." I said. "She's going to be an amazing mom. No doubt in that." Said Zayn. "He's going to be an amazing dad." I said. "You guys are so cute. I'm jealous." She said and we laughed. After a few more questions, we went to the movie theater. Afterwards we went back to the hotel. Harry walked over to me as I took a seat on the couch. "Can I?" He asked Zayn. "If she lets you." He said. "Yes you can Harry. Anytime you want." I said. He smiled and bent down.

"Hey there babe. It's your uncle Harry. I know I'm secretly your favorite uncle." He said rubbing my belly and I laughed. "Can't wait to meet you." He said and I smiled. Niall, Lou, Soph and El saw this and decided to join. Spoiling my unborn child with love. It was honestly like this for a couple hours. I fell asleep so I don't know what they blabbed about. I woke up at 7, in the bed, hungry yet again. "I'm craving Panda Express." I said. "What do you want?" Asked Zayn. "But I want Mexican tacos too." I blurted. "I'll get you both." He said. "No." I trailed off. "I'm getting them." He said looking at me in the eye. "Now what do you want?" He asked again. "Chow mein, orange chicken and teriyaki chicken with an egg roll. And surprise me with the tacos." I said. "I'll be right back." He said giving me a kiss. I'm lucky to have him. I decided to show my appreciation and tweeted.

@Eris_Hendy : Any crave I have, he does and gets. Lucky to have him<3 Love you my King<3

@Eris_Hendy : Babies make me hungry.

@Eris_Hendy : Babies make me fat.

@Eris_Hendy : I love my baby tho.

@Eris_Hendy : Everyone is already spoiling my unborn child with love.

@Eris_Hendy : My baby has the best aunts and uncles.

@Eris_Hendy : Sorry I'm just really having baby fever.

@Eris_Hendy : We won't know the gender until it is born so that means u won't find out either!

@Eris_Hendy : Rt for a girl, Fav for a boy.

I interacted with fans since I now have more free time. Zayn came back with food that I surprisingly finished. Every single plate, cleaned. "I feel like a cow." I said. "Well you have to keep in mind you're eating for 2 now." He said laying down next to me. "I love you baby." He said before kissing my belly. He lifted my shirt up and rubbed it. "You're showing. I love it." He said and I smiled. "It just kicked." He said surprised and I giggled. "Been feeling that lately." I said. "I heard it kicked! Can I feel?" Asked Liam and I laughed as he walked over. "Go ahead." I said.

His hands were warm. "My god baby. Love it already." He said. "I'm taking that as a 'love you too' kick." He said and we laughed. "Tomorrow we have another book signing." He said. "What time?" Asked Zayn. "11am." Said Liam. "Well I'm going to sleep. I'm tired yet again." I said. "Say good night to your child and your god child." I said looking at Zayn the Liam. "Night my little child." Said Liam and kissed my bare stomach. Was it awkward? Yes. But it feels nice to know that my this child will never run out of love. "Good night my prince or princess. I love you." He kissed my stomach. "Good night my Queen. I love you." He told me and kissed me. "I love you." I said pecking his lips.

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