What to Do When in S.P.A.A.T

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      S.P.A.A.T. training started the second we walked into that building, unbeknownst to most. Lacienta made it very clear that everything we did has effect on your color, and the goal color to be is Neon Green. What Lacienta didn't tell us that the second we walk into that building our color disappeared.
     As I walk into the "house", which could be more compared to a compound of storage containers, composed of about 5 storage containers - 3 containers on the bottom, 2 on the top - we walk into a dining room, that was way to big to be inside of such a small space. In it were 3
tables, none divided up, all accessible to everyone. On those tables was a feast, of every and anything possible you could think of, including pre war food and drinks, who knew a Dr. Pepper was really a soda pop and not a actual doctor (not me I'll tell you that). The order we were given? Eat.
       What did I do? I bet you already know where this is going.
       I made my way over to a table, off in the distance, by myself, only to be followed by none other than Spencer. "Hey Kaizer, you care if I sit next to you?" He asks. "Yeah man, I don't mind," I say, "I just didn't think I'd have many friends the first day." Spencer smiles, and that sad look in his face almost disappears, but doesn't, pain that deep must haunt your soul. As I converse with Spencer, a young woman walks up, roughly 18-19: definitely not freshly H.A.'d, comes up to my table as well. "Uhm, h-hi," she says, her accent somewhat native to the region of Neo-Kyoto. Her hair is up in braids and the put into a bun around the back of her head, and she has very foreign features to me, blue eyes, light skin, a pretty smile. "Hi, I'm Korin!" she says, this time more confident in herself. "Well, hi Korin, my name is Kaizer, you can call me Kai." I say, with a smile on my face. Spencer buts in, "Wait, can I call you Kai too?" "Shh, not now Spencer!," I say in a hushed whisper, "Please, sit if you want to!"
     Korin sits down, and begins to dive into the conversations with Spencer and myself. However, throughout this entire "dinner" not a single one of us ate a bite, nor did we drink the drinks given to us. With every bite of food taken by someone, I watched the color of their clothes slowly get darker, and darker, until they were full. Then when they would get up from the table they would look down at their clothes, and realize what was happening.
     "The enemy," says General Lacienta, "will do anything to rip away your status amongst your friends. If captured, what do you think they'd have you do? In a piece of ancient literature, called the Holy Bible, there is a group of soldiers who is captured amongst the enemy, and asked to join them amongst their ranks, that the food they serve them will bind them forever. However that food will taint their spirit!
        "Those of you who have ate today, please stand!" Exclaims the General, boldy, and honestly. A group of about 15 stand, there colors tainted by the food they have just received. "Men, please escort these failures out!"
        Oh the horror it must've been to not understand the complexity of War. Those 15 who answered greatly enough to be able to join this program, are now defected, and the colors they have now are the colors they will wear for the rest of their life. That is what it means to fail, to not control your destiny. Every decision you make holds your life at stake. This wasn't a failure of standards, this I understood. If you want to save the world, don't fall into the traps that are laid.
     Which gives me time for a full count, losing 15 made me realize my calculations were wrong, as now there were 13 of us left. "You see, to be a great leader is to eat at the table, to be a great warrior is to destroy the food!"
15 gun shots rang out, the screams from each soul waxing on my mind.
But still, this was not a statement of war, this was a statement of truth, and one that must be heard.

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