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You'd think luck would have us be the only ones to have a team, but alas, you'd be wrong. This was just another one of Lacienta's tests, as everything was, is, and has been since we've been here. Hell, hygiene tests are almost a thing, and I make sure I'm not "middle class" compared to most in that one, could you imagine trying to rule a kingdom but not being able to rule your body odor?
Truth would have it that there would be 4 teams, 3 teams of 3, and 1 team of 2. However luck WOULD have it that Lacienta saw fit enough to make me a commanding officer of a team of 3. Coming with that, being named the first team captain, and the unanimous votes, I would not be able to get the first pick, as it would be unfair strategically.
         Second Captain, wouldn't you know it? Korin Stanisty. Lacienta said that the high praise given by First Captain Kaizer Korpus, which I will admit has a very nice ring to it, has given him the impression that her instincts would serve greatly as Second Captain. Third Captain, would be none other than Trai Stentson.
          On April 4th of this year, Trai Stentson took his H.A's, scoring very very high. See Trai and I have a lot in common, almost to the tee. He watched a lot of good people die, and there was nothing he could do about it. The problem, he was already cold inside. What happens to a man who's already cold inside?
      Why did he score high on his test? He answered honestly. What were his answers? That of how to destroy the world. Nothing else. Unless you want to consider torture methods, and ways to take out amounts of people without actually murdering people. So why would the General make him Third Captain? Because his empathy for human life is LESS than the amount of losses he has on his record. Zero.
       Fourth Captain, none other than Steve Oriah. Steve was a bit of a wild card, considering most of his 'skills' were belly rolling, what he calls a 'mid-Atlantic accent', and being able to pee really really hard. All of these are words he told us first day of S.P.A.A.T.
Fourth Captain got the honor and privilege to get the first pick, which would be there only pick, as they got the displeasure of being the team of 2. This would mean that Third Captain would get the second pick, Second Captain would get third, and I would get the last of the first round, giving the me the first pick of the second round.
"Steve, who would you pick?" asks the General, almost sarcastically. "I think I'll pick Nancy!" says Steve, and Nancy would walk to his side. So now we don't have to worry about the geek squad.
"Trai, please make your pick." says the General, again. Trai, without speaking, points at the short chubby guy in the background, and he comes forward. Which is pretty typical, Trai doesn't care about a team.
"Korin, please make your pick." Korin steps up, and looks at me. In my head I am silently screaming DO NOT TAKE SPENCER! In reality, I was silent, staring into the distance. She walks in Spencer's direction and my heart starts racing, Spencer is the best shot, best survivalist, and almost integral to whatever it is that I must do. In a way, it's almost like Spencer is my new left lense.
"Korin, you have 15 seconds to pick, you should hurry." Says the General, impatient. Spooked, Korin scurry's away from Spencer, and I am relieved. "I want to pick Anthony." Korin says, in a hushed tone. Anthony DeVeya, walks towards Korin, and towers over almost everyone, standing at 6 foot 9.
"Now, First Captain Korpus, please make your sel~" before the General could finish speaking I say, "I choose Spencer, General." Spencer walks towards me, and the second round commences. "Alright, First Captain, since you are so eager to pick, take your second pick." I weigh my options, as there are 3 people left, and each integral and important in their own individual way. Stacy Jugins, a smart mind, good with her hands and breaking locks, perfect sniper and analyst, there isn't much she isn't good for. John Chemuth, he's a brute, a hard worker, capable of digging deep trenches and dig deeper into information, and he is also a terrific gunsmith. There is also the last option, Earl Weber. Earl is a native to Neo Kyoto, and is a very very talented blade, as he was apprenticed by on the last standing clans of Ronins. He has Yakuza ties, a sharp glance, and amazing wit. Yet, the bad can always outweigh the good.
"I, First Captain Kaizer Korpus, select General Angel Lacienta!"
Did I forget to mention that there was a fourth option? The rest of the group surrounding is stunned, confused, damn near dumbfounded. See, what everyone tries to tell you is that you have to play by the rules, but this society is quite literally CREATED AND FOUNDED on forging your own destiny.
"First Captain, I cannot do that." the General says, firm on his word. "This is S.O.C.C. though General, am I not the steward of my destiny?" The General smirks, halfway between funny and furious, and he takes a deep breath. "And does picking me hold a strategical advantage," says the man, "or is this a scheme?" Immediately I feel worried but there is no sense in backing down now, there has to be a strategy behind pi-
"If you pick the General you will have the most fighting experience amongst the groups, hence adding strategy to any war scenario!" says dear old Sally. "General, if I were to pick you, wouldn't that mean that I'd have the most important factor in any battle? In anything life needs? By picking you, a solider of 13 years, I will hold the most battle experience amongst everyone. I would be able to see the battle field differently, through the eyes of a man who has seen the fruit of every possible victory." The General smiles, slightly at first, and then beams wide with teeth. He steps forward from his pedestal and joins Spencer and myself by my banner. "Now what would you have us do with the third extra?" "Give them a second chance, put them on Steve's team, as First Captain I feel as if you have made it this fair, then there is no way you can defect."
It was settled, my team had been picked. Stacy would go to Korin, Earl would go to Trai, and John would go to Steve.
And I have officially proven that I can push any limits set by S.O.C.C., given their rules provide it. There are no longer 3 teams of 3, 1 team of 2, as it is no 4 teams of 3, and I have the biggest advantage possible. Things are just getting started.

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