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The sun hung high in the clear blue sky, casting a warm golden light over The Burrow's garden. It was the perfect day for a picnic, and you, Harry, and Ron had decided to make the most of it. The three of you had gathered a basket full of sandwiches, fruit, and butterbeer, and found a cozy spot under the shade of an old oak tree. The tree provided just enough cover to keep the summer heat at bay while allowing the sun's rays to dapple the ground in a patchwork of light and shadow.

As you spread out the blanket, Harry plopped down beside you, grinning as he reached for a sandwich. Ron followed suit, though you noticed he seemed a bit more reserved than usual, his eyes flicking between you and Harry.

"Isn't this the life?" Harry said, stretching out with a contented sigh. "No classes, no homework, just good food and good company."

You smiled, nodding in agreement as you took a bite of your sandwich. "It's perfect. We should do this more often."

Ron mumbled his agreement around a mouthful of food, though his eyes were still darting between you and Harry. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but there was something off about his mood today.

As the three of you ate, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and lighthearted teasing. Harry, as usual, was in good spirits, his green eyes twinkling with mischief. At one point, he leaned over and playfully nudged you with his elbow.

"Fancy a game of Quidditch later?" he asked, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I promise I'll go easy on you."

You rolled your eyes, nudging him back. "You say that every time, and yet I still end up with grass stains all over my clothes."

Harry chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you. "Well, maybe I just like seeing you all ruffled up."

You laughed, swatting at his arm playfully. "Cheeky."

Ron, who had been silent for most of the exchange, suddenly spoke up, his voice a little too casual. "Maybe I should go easy on you too, Y/N. Wouldn't want you to get hurt."

You turned to Ron, noticing the slightly strained smile on his face. "Oh, don't worry, Ron. I can handle myself just fine," you replied, trying to lighten the mood.

Harry seemed to pick up on the tension and quickly changed the subject, pointing out a cloud that looked suspiciously like a Hippogriff. The three of you spent the next few minutes debating whether it was indeed a Hippogriff or just an oddly shaped mass of water vapor, the conversation finally easing back into its usual rhythm.

After the food had been eaten and the butterbeer bottles were empty, you all lay back on the blanket, staring up at the sky. The peace and quiet were soothing, and for a moment, everything felt just right.

But the peace was short-lived.

"Hey, Y/N," Harry said suddenly, his voice teasing, "if Ron keeps being such a stick-in-the-mud, maybe you should just run off with me. What do you say?"

You chuckled, shaking your head as you played along. "Oh, Harry, you're tempting, but I think Ron might have something to say about that."

Harry laughed, but Ron didn't join in. Instead, he sat up, staring intently at the empty butterbeer bottle in his hands. "Yeah, right," he muttered, though you could hear the edge in his voice. "Wouldn't want to get in the way of that."

You and Harry exchanged a quick glance, both of you noticing Ron's change in demeanor. Harry opened his mouth to say something, but you quickly interjected, deciding it might be better to change the subject before things got awkward.

"How about we head back inside?" you suggested, trying to sound upbeat. "I could use some dessert after all those sandwiches."

Harry nodded, getting to his feet and offering you a hand up. "Good idea. I think I saw Mrs. Weasley baking something earlier."

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