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The warm, familiar scent of freshly baked bread and wildflowers welcomed you as you stepped out of the car, your gaze lifting to the crooked, charming structure that was The Burrow. It felt like a second home by now, a place where you could let your guard down and simply be yourself.

Mrs. Weasley bustled out the front door, apron tied around her waist, a wide smile on her face as she hurried over to greet you. "Oh, it's so good to have you back, dear!" she exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. "It just wouldn't be summer without you."

You returned her embrace, feeling the tension of the past school year melt away. "It's good to be back," you said earnestly, your eyes scanning the yard until they landed on a tall figure with a shock of red hair.

Ron was standing near the fence, his hands shoved into his pockets, looking as if he wasn't quite sure whether to come over or wait for you to approach. He seemed taller than you remembered, broader too, and when he finally did meet your eyes, there was a glint of something there that you hadn't seen before.

"Hey, you," he called, his voice breaking through your thoughts. He made his way over, a crooked grin on his face. "Took you long enough to get here. We were starting to think you'd forgotten about us."

You laughed, though you felt a strange flutter in your chest at the sight of his smile. "As if I'd ever forget about you lot," you teased back, your words coming out with more warmth than you'd intended. There was a pause, just a fraction of a second, where you felt like you were both noticing something different, something unspoken, hanging in the air between you.

The first half of summer had treated you well — your beauty had always been evident but now you had earned a mature look. It was no denying boys had always fawned over you, even Harry found himself entranced with your beauty at times.

Ron scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, his cheeks flushing a light pink. "So, er, how was the trip?" he asked, his eyes flicking to yours and then away just as quickly.

"Not too bad," you replied, trying to ignore the way your pulse had quickened. "My father kept talking about work the entire time, so I'm more than glad to be here with you guys now."

Before Ron could respond, a loud crash came from inside the house, followed by Mrs. Weasley's exasperated voice. "Fred, George, if you two don't stop that this instant, I swear—"

Fred and George emerged from the kitchen, identical mischievous grins on their faces, their arms full of what looked like firework parts. "Blimey, look who's finally shown up," Fred said, his eyes twinkling as they met yours.

"Thought you might've had second thoughts about spending the summer with this lot," George added, winking at you. There was something in the way they looked at you, a softness beneath their teasing that made you feel strangely flustered.

"Can't blame you though," came a familiar voice from behind Fred and George. Harry appeared, glasses slightly askew, his hair as untidy as ever. He offered you a lopsided smile that made your heart give an unexpected lurch. "We're a bit of a handful."

You grinned, rolling your eyes. "I think I'll manage."

Ron, who had been watching this exchange in silence, suddenly seemed to snap out of whatever trance he'd been in. "Come on, we'll take your things upstairs," he said, a bit too quickly. He grabbed your bags before you could protest, his fingers brushing yours in the process. It was a small, innocent touch, but it sent a ripple of something through you that you couldn't quite name.

You followed Ron up the narrow staircase, glancing back just in time to see Harry, Fred, and George watching the two of you, something unspoken passing between them. You wondered if you were imagining it, the way their eyes lingered on you a moment too long, the way their smiles seemed just a touch more affectionate than usual.

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