All you've got is everyone

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Wow, it is good to be back. It's only been what? Two and a half months? I made a few edits on earlier chapters, but not much. I made a few scene changes, fixed spelling errors, and changed some dialogue, mainly things I re-read and VILONTLY cringed at. Nothing big changed, so no need to go back if you don't feel like it

I wanted to get this out August 1st, but getting ready for college has been more time-consuming than I thought it would be

But before we start
TW: Graphic depictions of object violence

There's no blood so I personally don't think it's too bad but just skip past the ### if you don't want to read it
if you want to know what happens in less detail, that would be in the end notes


Alice swung open her front door, dreariness hitting her as she threw her purse and keys on the counter. She rubbed her eyes, looking at the stove, 1:24 am. Alice clicked her tongue. Coming home this late was never ideal, but it did beat being stuck on the other side of the country. Alice glanced into the living room. The babysitter she hired was asleep on the couch, and the TV was frozen on a 'continue watching' screen. Alice turned off the TV, and used an extra blanket to tuck in the teen on her couch. Alice smiled. Her mom must have sweet-talked her into staying longer. She'll have to pay her more than what they initially discussed, as well as thank Miss. Serengeti. Alice made her way down the hall, peaking and opening the door into Charlie's room. Alice smiled as she saw Charlie. He was trying to stand up in his crib, a big dopy smile on his face as he reached out to her.

Alice laughed, "Charlie, what are you doing awake?"

Charlie giggled, continuing to grab, "Ma- mama." Alice picked Charlie up, the baby letting a squeal of excitement. Alice started to rock Charlie in her arms, slightly bouncing him up and down.

"I'm here, I'm here." Alice continued to rock her baby, noticing splotches of yellow starting to peak from his stem. Alice smiled. He's grown so much in only a week. And she missed out on half of it. Alice bit her cheek, a sinking feeling in her stomach. What if she's scheduled for a week without going home? How much time will she miss out with him? Maybe one day she blinks, and he is all grown up, without her by his side. Charlie rubbed his eyes; the motion melted her heart. It will be fine, she won't miss out on his life because of work, or anything else, she will always find time for him, even if the moment is fleeting. She kissed his forehead, "Just go to sleep; I'll be right with you in the morning." Charlie yawned, curling into a ball in her arms. He was always an easy child to put to bed. She gently placed him in his crib, and Charlie cuddled the corner of his blanket. She gave a soft smile, "I love you. No matter how far I am, I will always find my way back to you. I promise."

Alice tucked in Charlie as best she could, ensuring her little boy was asleep. It was only a second, a blink of her eye, when Charlie's nursery vanished. Her baby was gone, and in his place was a large open field. "What the..." Alice's eyes darted at the sudden change in environment. Her mind started to race, "C-Charlie!" The world was barren; a black, starless sky loomed overhead. Red soil curved into the horizon, harshly cut by a gash of azure blue. Alice rubbed her eyes. This isn't real; it can't be. Perhaps she passed out from exhaustion, and this was a strange lucid dream. Yeah, that was probably it, breathe in, and out, in and out. Alice brought her fingers to her arm, harshly pinching the dark red skin beneath. Alice grit her teeth as pain shot up her arm. She should be awake, but as she looked up, the field was still there. Still stuck in this surrealist abstraction of reality.

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