Chapter 4

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Hey Minho, wait up" Chan calls out to me as I am walking down the hall towards the dance room. It is the next week and I luckily haven't run into Han again since that night. Bang Chan has gotten really familiar with me though and would now consider him a friend.
"What's up Chan?" I turn towards him, letting him catch up to me.
"I was thinking of forming my own group and after seeing you dance a few times I wanted to know if you would join?"
"Group? You already have a group no?" I ask, thinking of 3Racha.
"We'll yeah but they are not an idol group, just a production team, we still want to make it bigger than we are now. Also forming the perfect group to do so would mean having you in it. If you will of course"
"Um well who else would be in this group?" I wondered if Han was gonna be there.
"Well I asked Jeongin, Hyunjin Changbin, Seungmin and another guy named Felix." Hm he didn't mention Han, should I ask or assume he won't be there? Did they have a falling out? Will he not be joining? Without him there it wouldn't be bad though. I like everyone else and I'm sure this Felix guy is good too. He's obviously not Korean with that kind of name.
"I'll come to the first training session to get acquainted with everyone and feel it out." I answered, still hesitant about joining. If I see Han there then I won't join but if I don't then I'll join. Easy as that.
He smiles at my response "yay! Okay come this way! I'll introduce you to everyone again and we can all get well acquainted!" He grabs my shoulders and pushes me down the hall towards the practice room. So everyone is already together and I was the last to know about it huh. As we enter the room I scan the room to see who all is there. I am greeted with hellos and smiles from the people I already know, which is mainly everyone except this really pretty boy with blondish orange hair. I assume he's Felix. My assumptions were proven correct when Chan brought me over to him, "Minho this is Felix, Felix this is Minho" he stuck his hand out as well to greet me and I shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you," Felix replies in this deep voice that does not match his looks one bit. His Korean was also blatantly not his first language but I'm not one to judge. He's here and trying and that's all that matters.
"Nice to meet you too" I reply back simply.
"Alright everyone, Chan announces for everyone to hear, we all have the common goal of being an idol and I think this group of guys have very strong personalities and traits that clash well together and will make us great! So if you all will please train hard and I will not fail you, hopefully we can make it to debut and make our dreams come true." He preaches like a professional motivational speaker. A few of the guys cheer after his speech and others are just standing there with a smile. I still don't see Han so I am to assume he won't be joining this group?
"So you said yes to joining the new group?" Hyunjin asked walking over to me.
"I never said yes, I said I'd come to practice to meet everyone else and decide then."
"So after meeting everyone have you decided?"
"All of 3Racha isn't joining?" I ask trying to get an answer about Han.
"Ah Jisung? I didn't see him today but I would assume he'd be joining, why you ask?"
"Oh I just don't think I can team up with a guy like that so if he was joining I wasn't going to." I answered casually.
"Aw come on don't let one guy change your mind, you like everyone else here right?" I nod, "Then join ussss" He sways trying to convince me, "who else am I supposed to practice with? You're the best dancer here." He compliments me. He's really trying to be convincing huh.
"Well as nice as it is to hear you beg for me to stay, let me think about it. If my next run in with that guy is bad I don't think I can do this but if he can be normal then I'll join." I answer hoping that'll hold him over enough to leave me alone about it.
"Okayyyy" He beams and skips over to Jeongin. In a way he is right, I shouldn't let one dumb kid deter me from joining this group in which I actually like most of the people here, but he's just so bad mannered. He even went as far as attacking me the other night, I will not be dealing with that ticking time bomb in the future just to stay in this group.
After some time everyone got to know each other well enough considering we all mainly knew each other already. We all got to know Felix a bit more, he was from Australia just like Chan but just came here around three months ago and has been training ever since. His Korean isn't too good but he is working hard to improve it and apologized in advance for anything he messes up. It was actually quite funny watching him pronounce some words and get them wrong but for the sake of this group he needs to get better and better fast. Though I'm sure with a leader like Bang Chan he will get better soon. Felix also liked to dance and he and Hyunjin did a few dance moves together, testing their skills. He was a funny guy and seemed really soft hearted, like his feelings could get hurt easily.
Chan wanted to start practicing and see everyones skills. He told us about a song him and Changbin put together to test how well everyone's skills are and handed out a CD and sheets of papers with certain sections highlighted.
"I want you to go home and practice your highlighted parts and we will meet back up tomorrow to perform it together and get a feel for everyone's voices blending together." Chan announced sounding so professional once again, you can tell he's been here for a long time. Everyone nods and looks down at their papers. I wonder what the song sounds like, I look at the CD in my hand with handwriting on it, Placebo, an interesting name. I look up and see some people leaving and realize it is now late, time to go home and practice.
I walked in the house, grabbed some water and headed up to my room. I put the water on my desk and grabbed the CD to put into the player. At the beginning the beat is nice and light, then the singing parts come in. Hearing the song fully it isn't half bad, the bridge is catchy and the change up is smooth but fun. Feels like a good summer song, upbeat. I look for my part and listen to the song again to hear how my part goes. After hearing my part again I paused the CD and started practicing. Before I knew it, it was after midnight and I was really tired. I guess that's enough practice, hopefully I'll do well tomorrow.

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