Chapter 10

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I was currently heading over to the apartment in which Bang Chan, Felix, Jeongin and Han live to go over my lines with none other than Han. This could either be completely fine or end very badly, depends what kind of mood this guys in today. I approach the door and debate on just turning around and leaving but before I could decide the door swings open and I'm face to face with Jeongin.

"Hey! I heard you were coming today so I was keeping an eye out for you!" He says excitingly.

"Oh did you? Chan said I could apparently learn something from Han so that's why I'm here I guess."

"Oh yes Jisung is a genius when it comes to singing, rapping mainly but his singing is also very good." He praises Han some more.

"Well I better get to learning then huh, are you joining us?" I ask hoping he would be there to keep the peace.

"No I have plans already but Felix is in there for now, Jisung is giving him some pointers on his Korean when singing so maybe it'll be the three of you. Well I have to go now but good luck!" He shouts as he passes me in the door way and heads on with his day. I walk in and see Felix and Han in the living room going back and forth with Felix' verse. I watch as Han spits the verse out smoothly and comprehensively and then Felix tries to repeat it fumbling a bit on the words that are harder to pronounce. Then Han going over the words one by one with Felix until he can pronounce it. He wasn't a bad teacher I guess, just not looking forwards to his ridicule and attitude that comes along with it all.

"Oh you're here." Han states with zero enthusiasm in his voice.

"Sadly I am." I reply back.

"Hello Minho" Felix says with a small bow. I answer back and nod my head, now here is a good respectful kid and he's not even from this country. His etiquette is still better than Hans.

"Well I should get going then since you're here now." He starts to say.

"You don't have to leave we can all work on this together." I try and convince him.

"Thank you so I've studied enough today" Felix tries to say but messes up a bit.

"but I've studied enough today" Han corrects him.

"Ah, I'll go study my Korean now." He states with a little laugh and walks off towards what I assume is his room. Now it was just me and my number one fan, alone, together. Not a word is being spoken and I haven't even bothered to look his way yet. Just looking around the dorm seeing what it looks like and where everything looks to be. When I finally bring my gaze to Han I see he is already staring at me.

"You like what you see?" I flirtatiously say with a smirk.

"In your dreams." He spits.

"Wishing you were in those?"

"As if." He scoffs "Can we start now? The sooner we start the sooner you leave."

"Gladly, I don't even want to be here in the first place." I answer. It's silent for a moment and then he starts to walk to the kitchen and gets himself a glass of water.

"Okay, now i've looked at your part and it isn't much but it is in English, how is your english?" He gets straight to the point.

"Not good at all, English is hard." I answer honestly.

"Hm, well all you have to do is practice this verse, you don't need to know what it means or anything, just know how to pronounce it all. That's where I come in, now the chorus part is all in Korean, you have that down yet?"

"Yeah that part was easy."

"Sing it for me."

"We're at this shit again?"

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