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Jetta’s night was a turbulent mix of anger and hurt as she waited for her mother, Martha, to come home. Hours dragged by, and each tick of the clock seemed to amplify her sense of injustice. She paced her room, feeling the sting of Harry’s punishment as a sharp, painful reminder of their conflict.

When Martha finally arrived home, she was weary but alert. Seeing Jetta's tear-streaked face and disheveled appearance, she immediately sensed something was wrong.

“Jetta, what happened?” Martha asked, concern etched in her voice as she stepped into the room.

Jetta’s eyes filled with fresh tears as she launched into her account of the evening. “Mom, Harry—he… he punished me. He slapped me, and he was so harsh. I just wanted to get away for a while, and he—he wouldn’t let me be. It’s like he’s trying to control everything about my life. I can’t believe he did this to me!”

Martha’s face grew troubled as she listened, but her expression hardened as Jetta recounted the details. “I understand you’re upset, Jetta,” Martha began carefully, “but Harry’s rules and decisions come from a place of concern. I think there’s more to the situation than you’re seeing.”

Jetta’s eyes widened in disbelief. “More? Mom, he hit me! He had no right!”

Martha sighed deeply. “Harry and I have talked about this. We both agree that discipline is necessary. He’s trying to teach you responsibility, even if it’s hard to accept right now.”

Jetta’s voice trembled with frustration. “But he’s not teaching me anything but fear and resentment. How can you agree with him after what he did?”

Martha’s tone was calm but firm. “Jetta, you need to understand that Harry is trying to set boundaries to help us all live together more harmoniously. His methods may seem harsh, but they are meant to correct behavior.”

Jetta’s heart sank. “So, you’re just going to side with him? After everything he’s done, you think he’s right?”

Martha’s gaze softened but remained resolute. “I’m not siding with anyone. I’m trying to see the situation from all angles. Harry is trying to enforce rules because he cares about the family. I’m sorry you’re hurting, but I also need you to understand that it’s not just about one person’s feelings. It’s about finding a way for everyone to coexist peacefully.”

Jetta’s shoulders slumped, her anger giving way to a deep, aching disappointment. “So, you’re saying I just have to accept this? That it’s my fault?”

Martha stepped closer, placing a comforting hand on Jetta’s shoulder. “I’m saying that we need to find a way to address these issues without letting them drive us apart. I know it’s hard, but Harry’s approach, while difficult, is aimed at improving the situation.”

Jetta pulled away, shaking her head. “I don’t think I can just accept this. I feel like I’ve lost you both.”

Martha looked pained but resolute. “Jetta, I want to support you, but I also need to support Harry. We need to find a way to balance both sides.”

Jetta’s voice was barely above a whisper. “I don’t know if I can stay here if this is how things are going to be.”

Martha’s expression softened, but she held her ground. “Take some time to think about what’s happened. We all need to find a way to work through this, but it won’t happen overnight. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

Jetta nodded, feeling a sense of profound sadness. As Martha left the room, Jetta was left alone once more, her emotions tangled in a mix of betrayal, loneliness, and an uncertain future. The house, once a place of familiarity, now felt like a battleground where understanding and love were slipping further out of reach.

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