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At night, King Jet went to his Unicorn wife to talk about the whole issue of Melody's mother.

"She really wants to see her mother so badly," he said. "She even hums a certain melody that the mother used to sing on repeat. But I cannot allow her too, especially since I do not want anything bad to happen to her. I promised her father that I would rescue him and his wife, but I couldn't fulfill that promise, so I decided to raise her as my daughter."

"But if you do not let her find and rescue her mother, you still will not be keeping that promise. Besides, Melody is 3 years old (17) old enough to travel by herself. We want her to depend on herself, and not on the rest of her family," his wife answered.

"But what if the guy comes back to my daughter?" he said, worried.

"Just tell her these rules," she replied. "Be careful of who you interact with; run away if you see any humans; stay away from human settlements; and know the difference between prejudice and safety."

The next morning, they gave Melody a few things she needed on her journey: a stick of sugarcane, a coat, some hay, and a comb. The family also gave Melody a device that whenever she needed them, she could press the button with her purple hoof and call them.

"And remember my daughter, be brave, and be strong!" said her father. Then he, his wife, and his daughter nudged her with their head and sent her off.

Unlike Charity, who travelled by sea to China, Melody travelled by an airplane straight to India. Since the circus would travel to India to perform and then steal any elephants, Melody thought that she would somehow rescue her mother there.

Don't worry Mama, she thought. I will find you and rescue you!

Hopeful Hooves: A Unicorn Friendship TaleWhere stories live. Discover now