Chapter 10

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stop by and say hi to Paige above!

"Ugh." I groan as I wake up, feeling the sharp pain of cramps in my abdomen.

"You're awake, Paige!" I turn over to see Kent sitting at my desk, typing away on his laptop. Instinctively, I throw the covers over my head to spare him the sight of my naked face and disheveled hair.

"Who let you in?!" I growl from underneath the pillows.

"Your mother is such a darling, she had a key made." Kent snatches the covers from over my head. I roll my eyes at my mother who is probably working.

"I'm surprised my dad didn't make it for you first, he's in such a rush to have you here." the sarcasm in my voice is obvious. Kent sits on my bed and strokes my messy hair.

"The dad that's sitting at the kitchen table, surrounded by empty beer bottles?" Kent says. I sit up and feel s stinging in my hand after I realize that I just slapped Kent in the face. He doesn't know about my father's drunken days. The times I'd come home to find him slumped over in the living room or I'd have to call my mother's job to find out that he was still out in a bar.

It was a wonder that he hadn't lost his job. It was a wonder that his hands were still so gifted at surgery. It was a wonder that he still had a caring heart with a hangover to go with it. It was a wonder that my mother hadn't divorced him.

"Paige. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" Kent scoots away from me, sensing the anger in my eyes.

"Don't, it doesn't matter." I stop his apology. I don't need his sympathy or anything else from him.

"He left a minute ago." Kent explains.

"Is my mom home?" I lean against the headboard and grip the sides of my stomach.

"No, she left when I came over. Do you need anything?" Kent stands up and hovers over me, stroking my cheek. I want to tell him that I need medicine for these cramps and that I'm craving shrimp lo mein.

"Why would I need something? What do you mean? Do I look like I need something?" I know the hormones are causing me to overreact. Kent just laughs like he always does, as if nothing even bothers him. I wish Chad would be this way, we'd still be together.

"Relax Paige, do you want some pain killers or something to eat? It seems like you're annoyed right now." Kent bites his lip and twirls him keys around his finger.

"If I was annoyed any more than I already am, I would've pushed you down the stairs by now." I roll over and plop back down onto the bed.

"So you don't need anything?" Kent says sarcastically. I wonder secretly if he knows what I really need right now.

"I could use some takeout and a heating pad." I admit. Kent clicks his tongue and snaps his fingers.

"For breakfast?" he asks.

"It's noon, consider it lunch." I try to reason with him. He shrugs and leaves quickly. I hear the front door slam and take this as my opportunity to take a shower and suffer alone with my cramps. Today's body wash choice is coconut and lime. I don't have time for a luxurious shower, Kent arrives quickly with the food I assume. I hear his footsteps coming up the stairs.

"I'm getting dressed! I'll come down!" I yell.

"Hurry, I brought something good." Kent yells back. I throw a loose shirt over my head and find a fresh pair of shorts.

"You brought lo mein! How did you know?!" I wrap my arms around Kent, thankful for his friendship. He looks back at me as if he's surprised.

"I like this Paige. Where has she been all my life?" he says, handing me a bouquet of pink carnations.

"Awe, I love pink carnations!" I begin to tear up, not in touch with my emotions.

"I know you do, you said it last night." Kent hands me the lo mein with a pair of chopsticks. I'm glad since I hate eating my noodles with a fork.

"At least someone listens." I laugh with a mouthful of noodles. The burning pain in my abdomen reminds me of the pills.

"Did you bring some-" I begin.

"Here, take two." Kent hands me a bottle of Advil. I swallow two quickly and finish my noodles.

"My mum invited you to a water aerobics class at the country club where we met." Kent laughs but then realizes that I can't swim at them moment.

"I'm sorry. I'm saying all of the wrong things today." Kent says. He seems like the type of person who thinks before everything he says.

"Stop apologizing, I never know when people are actually sorry because they abuse the word." I tell Kent, secretly thinking about of the times that Chad told me he was sorry and I went running back to him.

"Okay, I'm so-" Kent catches the glint in my eye and stops mid sentence.

"Shut up. Let's cuddle and watch Netflix while I release my emotions." I randomly blurt.

"You're not being sarcastic are you?" Kent smirks devilishly. I hate the fact that I'm pretending that he's Chad at the moment. Although Chad would never bring me my favorite flowers and takeout, along with pills to help me feel better.

"Don't ruin the moment, okay?" I say, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Can you be on your period more often?" Kent says on our way upstairs. I shake my head and narrow my eyes at him.
"Can your ceiling fan setting go any higher?" Kent squirms on top of the covers.

"Why are you so hot?" I say, referring to the temperature in the room.

"I guess my mum and dad just make attractive children." Kent says, pulling his shirt over his head. I shut my laptop and prepare myself to explain to Kent what I really meant. But the words don't come out.

"Right?" Kent puts his fingers under the short silver chain around his neck. I open my mouth only to find I've become mute at the sight of Kent's muscular chest and deep v-line.

"We haven't finished the show yet." I say to change the subject. Kent shrugs and climbs under the covers with his jeans on. Subconsciously, I rest my head on his chest the way I did last night.

"This movie is so cheesy and predictable." Kent says, wrapping an arm around me. I use my cramps as an excuse about why I don't move him arm away.

"I know, that's what makes it so much better. Clueless will always be my favorite movie." I yawn. My eyes close without my permission and I forget for once that we aren't playing our little game and that this is real. This is not something we're doing because there's other people here watching us cuddle.

I realize the Kent makes me feel comfortable and safe. Then I feel guilty because I'm using him to fill the empty void that Chad has created. When Kent thinks I'm asleep he shuts my laptop and buries his face in my hair.

"I wish this was all real." he whispers, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. Finally we agree on something. If only Kent were Chad. If only Chad could treat me like a princess.

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